Content updated 2022-04-07

Choosing your courses

Please read the instructions below thoroughly before you start selecting your courses in Mobility-Online so that you do not miss any important information.

Our academic year consists of 2 semesters (autumn semester and spring semester). Each semester is divided into 2 study periods. There are no breaks/holidays between the study periods.

A full-time study load per semester is equal to 30 credits (equivalent to approximately 4 courses for a whole semester). As each semester is divided into two study periods, students should consequently study around 15 credits in each study period in order to achieve a balanced division of credits throughout the whole semester. It is important to spread the courses throughout the semester and not have all courses start at the same time, so make sure to check the course dates and to achieve a balanced division of credits between the two study periods.

The study periods are specified as follows:


Autumn semester

Study period 1 runs from August to mid-October. Select approximately 15 credits.

Study period 2 runs from mid-October to December/January*. Select approximately 15 credits.

*End date varies between the JU schools, see academic calendar


Spring semester

Study period 1 runs from January to end of March. Select approximately 15 credits.

Study period 2 runs from end of March to the beginning of June. Select approximately 15 credits.

Students staying for the whole academic year must select courses for both the autumn and spring semester.

In the online application you will find information about the study level for each course. Bachelor students may only select bachelor-level courses. Master students may select courses from both the bachelor-level and master-level.






First cycle, has only upper-secondary level entry requirements


First cycle, has less than 60 credits in first cycle courses as entry requirements


First cycle, contains specially designed degree project of Higher Education Diploma


First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first cycle courses as entry requirements


First cycle, has at least 60 credits in first cycle courses as entry requirements, contains degree project





Second cycle, has only first cycle course(s) as entry requirements


Second cycle, has second-cycle course (s) as entry requirements


Second-cycle, contains degree project (60 credits)


Second-cycle, contains degree project (120 credits)

The course schedules are available at the JU website approximately 3 weeks before each study period starts. This means that you won’t know in advance if there will be clashes in the schedules, but it does occasionally happen. If you notice that the courses you have chosen will have too many class clashes (i.e., more than 4 clashes), you will be able to make the necessary changes during the introduction week.

Changes to course list

There may be changes regarding the courses offered, sometimes new courses are added, some courses are cancelled etc. Check the JU website for the updated list of courses. Please see specific infomration about courses per school below.


Maximum number of students

For certain courses there are limitations regarding the maximum number of students allowed, and as a result course changes may be necessary for some students. In these cases, we will inform the student.


Course changes after arrival

Please make sure to have your courses confirmed by your home university before uploading the JU Course Confirmation. We only allow changes in courses due to cancellation of a course or too many clashes in the schedules. We don't have an add/drop period upon arrival. There will be a "Course confirmation meeting" during the introduction week where you need to be present and confirm your courses.

As an exchange student, you need to choose courses from the school that you are nominated to.


An updated list with courses offered for exchange students can be found below. On this page you can also find the syllabus for each course. Please be aware of the pre-requisites specified in the course syllabus and only select courses that you have the required pre-requisites for.


Jönköping International Business School External link, opens in new window.

School of Engineering External link, opens in new window.

School of Education and Communication External link, opens in new window.

School of Health and Welfare External link, opens in new window.


Specific information per school

Please see below for information for the school you are studying at. You can find links to the full course list, as well as information regarding specific limitations for courses, etc

Some courses show the pre-requisites "English B, Mathematics C and Civics A these prerequisites do not apply for incoming exchange students to JIBS. Those pre-requisites apply only to Swedish students.

Grading system
For information on the grading table that is used at Jönköping International Business School, please see more details on the JU website.

Workload and study pace
It is important that you consider at which pace the course is run. We advise you to not exceed a 100% workload during one period due to a high risk of schedule clashes. For example, either you pick 2 courses at a 50% pace that are given at the same time or you pick courses at a 100% study pace that are given after each other, and not at the same time.

Grading system

For information on the grading table that is used at the School of Education and Communication, please see more details on the JU website.

Courses with specific requirements:

Some courses require a specific course as a pre-requisite. If you are interested in one of these courses, please make sure to check with us first if you have the right pre-requisites before choosing the course!

Construction Engineering: Master level courses

For the following courses, it is strongly recommended that students have basic knowledge in BIM, for example BIM-based software such as Revit, ArchiCad or equivalent.

  • Parametric Design
  • BIM – Management Control and Evaluations (To choose this course, students must also have attended the course "BIM - Requirements and Specifications")

Industrial Design courses:
Courses within Industrial Design are only available for students from a partner university with a special agreement within Design and in addition the student must be admitted to a program in Industrial Design within Mechanical Engineering at the home university. Applicants must attach their portfolio to the exchange application. Limited number of places. Courses within Industrial Design are studied in ’semester blocks’ and cannot be taken separately, i.e. you must take a complete semester, it is not possible to only take one or two courses. If you would like to study these course, please let us know well in advance.

Materials and Manufacturing

Some course within the Materials and Manufacturing program are online courses. Exchange students will still need to be present on campus.

  • TALS22 Liquid Metal Processing - Aluminum Alloys
  • TFGS22 Moulding Materials in Foundry Technology
  • TGAS22 Analysis of Casting Defects
  • TJLS22 Liquid Metal Processing – Ferrous Alloys
  • TKGK11 Component Casting
  • TMKK11 Environmental Impact Assessment of Castings
  • TMSS22 Modelling and Simulation of Casting
  • TSPS22 Solidification Processing

Grading system

Students will receive their grades according to the National Grading Table:

  • Fail or pass
  • Fail or 3 (pass), 4 (good), 5 (very good).

Students will also receive the statistical distribution of grades according to a Grading Table (EGT).

More detailed information on the grading table can be found here.

Minimum and Maximum number of credits

For students studying at the School of Health and Welfare, the minimum number of credits is 15 per semester, or 30 credits for students coming from outside of Europe that need to apply for a residence permit. The maximum number of credits in total is 30.

Courses with specific requirements

All courses involving a clinical placement:
Prior to doing a clinical placement, you will be required to do a MRB screening. This needs to be done while in Sweden (any test from your home country will not be accepted), within a limited amount of time before your placement. For more information please contact the teacher of the course.

You will need to be here for the whole period of the placements so please do not arrange any travels during this time.

Grading system
For information on the grading table that is used at School of Health and Welfare, please see more details on the JU website.

Contact us via the links below or visit us during the drop in online or at Service Center on campus

Weekly Drop-in

At Service Center : Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 - 12:30

Drop-in online: Thursdays, 11.30-12.30

On Thursday, March 27th, the online drop-in will be closed. Welcome to contact us by submitting a case.

Send us a case

Outgoing Students: Choose "Outgoing Exchange"

Incoming Students: Choose "Incoming Exchange"