Content updated 2024-02-26

Transcript of Records

JU is improving the way we deliver the official Transcript of Records to you.

After the completed exchange semester, students will receive an e-mail with a link to their digital original transcript that they will be able to download and share with their home university and any other institution required. The digital transcript will include a verification link that can be used to authenticate the transcript.

There are many benefits of this new process including online verification and quicker processing times. If your home university requires an original transcript of records to be sent via e-mail or post, please ask them to contact at the end of the exchange semester to request a copy.

Contact us via the links below or visit us during the drop in online or at Service Center on campus

Weekly Drop-in

At Service Center : Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:30 - 12:30

Drop-in online: Thursdays, 11.30-12.30

On Thursday, March 27th, the online drop-in will be closed. Welcome to contact us by submitting a case.

Send us a case

Outgoing Students: Choose "Outgoing Exchange"

Incoming Students: Choose "Incoming Exchange"