Product development is an exciting, fast-paced field that's becoming increasingly multidisciplinary. There is a great need for master-level engineers with a comprehensive understanding of product development, manufacturing processes, and their integration. The programme will give you the knowledge and skills to design and evaluate products with the perfect functions, appearance and manufacturability!
You will learn to design products built to last and have minimal environmental impact throughout their entire lifecycle. By choosing the right materials and production processes and cleverly designing products in line with circular strategies, you can help minimise the negative environmental impact while maintaining product appeal and functionality.
The programme gives you hands-on knowledge and skills in using high-end engineering software while taking a broad perspective on product and production development. You will learn how to systematise and maintain knowledge in product and production platforms, an invaluable skill that will serve you well in your future career! Furthermore, you will gain knowledge, skills, and insights into computer programming for the automation of engineering work and the setup of digital models of product- and production systems.
Upon graduating, you will have the skills to predict product and production system behaviours and optimise them towards the circular economy using modelling and mathematical methods.
The programme includes data and information management and analysis, using both traditional software and AI (artificial intelligence) methods. The use of cutting-edge software and programming for automation, virtual modelling, and encoding and maintaining knowledge in digital formats has given rise to the programme's name - Digital Product Development.
Fakta och behörighet
After graduation
This is overview
Student projects
Fler utbildningar och intervjuer från Jönköping University
Jönköping - den moderna studentstaden
Jönköping är den moderna studentstaden med ett gemensamt och sammanhållet campus som ligger mitt i stan. Här finns våra fyra fackhögskolor med 12 000 studenter tillsammans med Högskolebiblioteket, träningsanläggning, caféer, restauranger och Service Center. Med en stark internationell prägel och samverkan med arbetslivet redan under studietiden ger vi dig rätta förutsättningar för din framtid.