Lucia Lattanzi

Universitetslektor material och tillverkning - gjutning


Lucias forskningsintressen är prestanda och produktion av Al-baserade legeringar och deras kompositer. Hennes forskning fokuserar för närvarande på gjutna Al-Si-legeringar och deras förstärkning med SiC-partiklar för att erhålla metallmatriskompositer (MMC). Forskningsprojekten bidrar också till att förbättra hållbarheten inom aluminiumområdet.

Pågående forskningsprojekt:

  • MaReAl - Tillverkning av Al-MMC bromsskivor av återvunna Al-Si-legeringar. Finansierad av Vinnova (Metalliska Material).

Avslutade forskningsprojekt:

  • LISA - Låg hållbarhetspaverkan vid återvinning av aluminium. Finansierad av Vinnova (Lighter).
  • ProForAl - Properties and formability of Al-SiCp MMCs. Finansierad av KK-Stiftelsen (Prospekt).


Lucia har kandidatexamen (2014) och magister (2016) i materialteknik från University of Padua (Padua, Italien), med avhandlingar som utvecklats inom Metallurgi forskargruppen.

I april 2020 fick hon doktorsexamen i ingenjörsvetenskap från University of Ferrara (Ferrara, Italien). Hennes avhandlingsprojekt fokuserade på påverkan av legeringselement och smältbehandlingar på mikrostruktur och mekaniska egenskaper hos Al-7Si-Mg gjutna legeringar.
Verksamheten var i samarbete med Mazzucconi-gjuterierna (Ponte San Pietro, Italien) och institutionen för material och tillverkning vid Jönköping University (Jönköping, Sverige), där hon tillbringade sex månader som gästande doktorand.

2020 fick hon ett stipendium inom RIMMEL-projektet med fokus på den mekaniska och mikrostrukturerande karaktären hos additivtillverkade Al-10Si-legeringar efter termisk exponering.

I februari 2021 började hon på Institutionen för material och tillverkning vid Jönköpings tekniska högskola som postdoktor. Hon är projektledare för ProForAl-projektet (KKS) och MaReAl-projektet (Vinnova), som fokuserar på Al-Si-baserade metallmatris-kompositer. Hon är också projektledare för förstudien LISA (Vinnova, Lighter), som fokuserar på hållbarhet och kostnadsberäkning av en fordonsvärdekedja i samarbete med Lunds universitet.

I februari 2024 befordrades hon till biträdande professor i forskargruppen för lätta legeringar.

Forskningsprofiler: ORCiD  Scopus  ResearchGate 


Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A. (2025). Room and High-Temperature Wear Behaviour of Al-Based MMCs against an Automotive Brake Pad Progress in Composite Materials. More information
Lattanzi, L., Awe, S. (2024). Thermophysical properties of Al-based metal matrix composites suitable for automotive brake discs Journal of Alloys and Metallurgical Systems, 5. More information
Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2024). On the possibility of using secondary alloys in the production of aluminum-based metal matrix composite Crystals, 14(4). More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Smart-Cast: An AI-Based System for Semisolid Casting Process Control Procedia Computer Science, 232, 2440-2447. More information
Lattanzi, L., Liljenfors, T., Westergård, R., Windmark, C. (2024). The LISA project: opportunities and challenges of recycling automotive heat exchangers Matériaux & Techniques, 112(6). More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Steggo, J., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2024). On the potential of using ensemble learning algorithm to approach the partitioning coefficient (k) value in Scheil–Gulliver equation Materials Genome Engineering Advances, 2(3). More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). Role of matrix alloy, reinforcement size and fraction in the sliding wear behaviour of Al-SiCp MMCs against brake pad material Wear, 530-531. More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2023). On the efficient particle dispersion and transfer in the fabrication of SiC-particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composite Crystals, 13(12). More information
Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Fortini, A., Morri, A., Garagnani, G. (2022). Effect of Thermal Exposure Simulating Vapor Deposition on the Impact Behavior of Additively Manufactured AlSi10Mg Alloy Journal of materials engineering and performance (Print), 31, 2859-2869. More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zhou, J., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2022). The Influence of Ce, La, and SiC Particles Addition on the Formability of an Al-Si-Cu-Mg-Fe SiCp-MMC Materials, 15(11). More information
Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Chandrashekar, G., Gonapati, S., Awe, S., Jarfors, A. (2022). The effect of Ni and Zr additions on hardness, elastic modulus and wear performance of Al-SiCp composite Tribology International, 169. More information
Lattanzi, L., Etienne, A., Li, Z., Manjunath, T., Nixon, N., Jarfors, A., Awe, S. (2022). The influence of Ni and Zr additions on the hot compression properties of Al-SiCp composites Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 905. More information
Ahmadkhaniha, D., Lattanzi, L., Bonora, F., Fortini, A., Merlin, M., Zanella, C. (2021). The effect of co-deposition of sic sub-micron particles and heat treatment on wear behaviour of ni–p coatings Coatings, 11(2), 1-16. More information
Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). The complex interaction between microstructural features and crack evolution during cyclic testing in heat-treated Al–Si–Mg–Cu cast alloys Materials Science & Engineering: A, 825. More information
Du, A., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Zheng, J., Wang, K., Yu, G. (2021). On the hardness and elastic modulus of phases in SiC-reinforced Al composite: Role of La and Ce addition Materials, 14(21). More information
Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L., Merlin, M., Ghassemali, E., Seifeddine, S. (2020). The influence of copper addition on crack initiation and propagation in an Al–Si–Mg alloy during cyclic testing Materialia, 12. More information
Lattanzi, L. Giovanni, M. Giovagnoli, M. Fortini, A. Merlin, M. Casari, D. , ... Garagnani G. (2018). Room temperature mechanical properties of A356 alloy with Ni additions from 0.5 Wt to 2 Wt% Metals, 8(4). More information


Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the Possibility of Replacing Scheil-Gulliver Modeling with Machine Learning and Neural Network Models. In: A. Pola, M. Tocci and A. Rassili (Ed.), Solid State Phenomena (pp. 157 -163). More information


Harazeen, A., Lattanzi, L., Matsushita, T., Jarfors, A. (2024). Enhanced Iron Impurity Removal in Low Fe Al-Si Alloys by Mn Addition. HTC2024, 11th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity, May 26–30, 2024, Sweden. More information
Lattanzi, L., Kasehgari, S., Awe, S. (2024). Influence of different SiCp additions on the castability of aluminium matrix composites. HTC2024, 11th International Conference on High Temperature Capillarity, May 26–30, 2024, Sweden. More information
Jarfors, A., Bogdanoff, T., Lattanzi, L. (2024). Challenges for the automotive industry originating from the entry of functionally integrated castings for the Body in White, circularity and potential resource issues. 18th International Conference on Society & Materials (SAM18), 14-15 May 2024, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Lattanzi, L. (2024). Tillverkning av Al-MMC bromsskivor av återvunna Al-Si-legeringar (MaReAl). Metalliska material Programkonferens, 13-14 mars 2024. More information
Ahmadkhaniha, D., Lattanzi, L., Sjölander, E., Bjurenstedt, A., Zanella, C. (2024). The effect of alloying element on corrosion resistance of recycled Al alloy. EUROCORR2024, 1-5 September 2024, Paris, France. More information
Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Rudenstam, C., Westergård, R., Jarfors, A. (2023). Aluminium matrix composites for lightweight components. 17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advance Materials and Processes, FEMS EUROMAT 2023, 03-07 September 2023, Germany. More information
Lattanzi, L., Awe, S., Jansson, P., Westergård, R., Sjögren, T., Jarfors, A. (2023). The possibility of using secondary alloys for producing aluminium matrix composite components. 5th International Conference on Light Materials – Science and Technology (LightMAT 2023), 21–23 June 2023, Trondheim, Norway. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Lattanzi, L., Jansson, P. (2023). Enhancing Rheocasting Process Control with AI-based Systems. The 35th Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS'23) annual workshop. More information
Li, Z., Tan, H., Lattanzi, L., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P. (2023). On the possibility of replacing Scheil-Gulliver modelling with machine learning and neural network models. 17th International Conference on Semi Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites (S2P2023), 6-8 September 2023, Brescia, Italy. More information
Windmark, C., Lattanzi, L., Månberger, A., Jarfors, A. (2022). Investigation on resource-efficient aluminium recycling – A state of the art review. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 10th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS2022), School of Engineering Science, University of Skövde, Sweden, April 26–29 2022. More information
Lattanzi, L., Fabrizi, A., Fortini, A., Merlin, M., Timelli, G. (2017). Effects of microstructure and casting defects on the fatigue behavior of the high-pressure die-cast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloy. 3rd International Symposium on Fatigue Design and Material Defects, FDMD 2017, 19-22 September 2017, Lecco, Italy. More information


Li, Z., Tan, H., Westphal, F., Jarfors, A., Jansson, P., Lattanzi, L. . The challenges and opportunities for automated phase fraction analysis: A case study of color etching cast aluminium. More information