Jobs in Europe

Working cultures in:
Usefil links during looking for a job in Europe
- Academicpositions – in Europe
- Adecco Norge
- Akademikernes JobBank Denmark
- AMS - Österreich
- APEC - French Job portal
- Der Arbeitsmarkt-Online - German
- Arbejdmarkedsstyrelsen - Denmark's employment office
- Belgium's employment office
- CareerJet - Switzerland
- CIMO - Centre for International Mobility in Finland
- Computeroxy
- Computer Futures - IT-Recruitment
- - Career Guide
- European Langauge Jobs
- Eurosciencejob
- German Tech Jobs
- Graduateland - European student Job portal
- Hispavista - Spanish Job portal
- Hot Job - Le Forem (French)
- IEFP - Portugal
- - Irish job bank
- JIBS Global Talent portal
- - Denmark
- Jobnet - Danish Job portal
- Magisterjob - Danish Job portal for akademics
External link, opens in new window.
- - Healthcare in the Nordic region
- Monster Finland
- Nav - Norweigan Job portal
- Netherlands JobBank
- Neuvoo - A job search engine active in 23 countries
- Nexus - IT-Recruitment in Switzerland
- Nordic Medicare
- Nordjobb - Summer jobs in the Nordic Region
- OAED - Grecce employment office
- Prospects UK
- Startupjobs - in Europe
- Swiss tech jobs
- Top 100 graduate employers UK
- Tysk JobBank - Germany
- Työministeriö - Finland's employment office
- UK tech jobs
- Vinnumalastofnun - Icelandic employment office
- Working in UK
- Öresund direkt - Work as a Swede in Denmark
- Academicpositions – in Europe