
Websites with international and Swedish internships and traineeprogrammes.
As a JU-student you have access to JIBS Global Talent portal where you can find lots of Internships, other offers and the possibility to do personality tests online. Sign up here!
JobTeaser - JU´s jobportal for all students! Sign up here!
- Absolute Internship
- Anyintern
External link, opens in new window.
- Asia Internship Program
- City Internships
- ESPA - European Student Placement Agency
- Graduateland
External link, opens in new window.
- IAESTE - The International Association For The Exchange Of Students For Technical Experience
- iAgora
- Intern Abroad
- Intern Jobs
- Chegg Internships (US)
- Internship-UK
- Internship Provider
- Placement in Portugal
- Traineeguiden - For Swedish and International academics
- Traineesearch