Artikel (refereegranskat)
Gustafsson, S., Biro, T., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, M., Karlsson, A., Nilsson, B. ... Sjöberg, M. (2014). Electromagnetic dispersion modeling and measurements for HVDC power cables.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29(6), 2439-2447
Nordebo, S., Nilsson, B., Gustafsson, S., Biro, T., Cinar, G., Gustafsson, M. ... Sjöberg, M. (2013). Low-frequency dispersion characteristics of a multilayered coaxial cable.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 83(1), 169-184
Andersson, A. (2009). Modified Schwarz-Christoffel mappings using approximate curve factors.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 233(4), 1117-1127
Andersson, A. (2008). A modified Schwarz-Christoffel mapping for regions with piecewise smooth boundaries.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 213(1), 56-70
Andersson, A. (2008). Schwarz-Christoffel Mappings for Nonpolygonal Regions.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31(1), 94-111
Foltynowicz, A., Schmidt, F., Gustafsson, J., Axner, O. (2007). Wavelength modulation absorption spectrometry from optically pumped collision broadened atoms and molecules.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 108(2), 220-238
Axner, O., Schmidt, F., Foltynowicz, A., Gustafsson, J., Omenetto, N., Winefordner, J. (2006). Absorption spectrometry by narrowband light in optically saturated and optically pumped collision and Doppler broadened gaseous media under arbitrary optical thickness conditions.
Applied Spectroscopy 60(11), 1217-1240
Schmidt, F., Foltynowicz, A., Gustafsson, J., Axner, O. (2005). Wavelength modulation absorption spectrometry from optically saturated collision-broadened transitions.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 97(2), 225-254
Axner, O., Gustafsson, J., Omenetto, N., Winefordner, J. (2004). Line strengths, A-factors, and absorption cross sections for lines and hyperfine structure components in atomic spectrometry: A user’s approach.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 59(1), 1-39
Axner, O., Gustafsson, J., Schmidt, F., Omenetto, N., Winefordner, J. (2004). Authors’ reply.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 59(3), 390-392
Gustafsson, J., Schmidt, F., Guerra, R., Axner, O. (2004). Double modulation diode laser absorption spectrometry by simultaneous wavelength modulation and optically induced population modulation: application to trace element detection in window-equipped graphite furnaces.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 59(1), 67-92
Axner, O., Gustafsson, J., Schmidt, F., Omenetto, N., Winefordner, J. (2003). A discussion about the significance of absorbance and sample optical thickness in conventional absorption spectrometry and wavelength modulated absorption spectrometry.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 58(11), 1997-2014
Gustafsson, J., Chekalin, N., Axner, O. (2003). Characterization of 2f-, 4f-, and 6f-background signals in wavelength modulation diode laser absorption spectrometry in graphite furnaces.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 58(1), 123-141
Gustafsson, J., Chekalin, N., Axner, O. (2003). Improved detectability of wavelength modulation diode laser absorption spectrometry applied to window-equipped graphite furnaces by 4th and 6th harmonic detection.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 58(1), 111-122
Gustafsson, J., Chekalin, N., Axner, O. (2003). 'Intelligent' triggering methodology for improved detectability of wavelength modulation diode laser absorption spectrometry applied to window-equipped graphite furnaces.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 58(1), 143-152
Kluczynski, P., Gustafsson, J., Lindberg, Å., Axner, O. (2001). Wavelength modulation absorption spectrometry: An extensive scrutiny of the generation of signals.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 56(8), 1277-1354
Gustafsson, J., Chekalin, N., Rojas, D., Axner, O. (2000). Extension of the dynamic range of the wavelength-modulated diode laser absorption spectrometry technique.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy 55(3), 237-262