Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions related to the process of being nominated to a partner university. If your question is not answered here, please contact us through the button to the right.
How do I get my courses approved?
All courses need to be approved by your course advisor/ contact teacher.
How many courses do I need to get approved?
It is recommended to find more courses than those corresponding to 30 ECTS credits in case a course is cancelled or full.
How do I get accommodation for my exchange?
Most of our partner universities will provide you with some help to find accommodation on-campus or off-campus. This may form part of the broader application to study at the partner university or it may be separate. In general students stay in on-campus accommodation. Feel free to contact students who have previously studied or are studying at your partner university at present for recommendations.You will find information at the partner university's website or in the information package you received from your contact person at the partner university.
Does the nomination from Jönköping University automatically mean that I’m admitted to the partner university?
No. The nomination from Jönköping University, that is made after the selection round in MOA, is not a formal admission. You also need to apply to the partner university to have a formal admission.
Can I study language courses during my exchange?
Most partner universities offer courses in their native language. Be aware that you may not be able to use the credits towards your degree but you can take the language courses as extra courses during your exchange. Preparatory language courses are sometimes offered at partner universities.
How many courses do I need to study?
Exchange studies at the partner university requires full-time study. It is important to look at the total number of credits that is needed for the equivalence of 30 hp/ECTS. These credits are specified in Intapps for each partner university. Note that scoring systems are different in different countries and universities. It is your responsibility to keep track on how many credits are counted as full-time study.
How does it work with study loan and grant from CSN?
Swedish citizens have the opportunity to apply for loan and allowance from CSN. The allowance component is the same as for studies in Sweden, but the amount of loan may vary depending on which country you are studying. You can also apply for an additional loan, to cover travel costs and insurance. For more information see www.csn.se (New regulations from 1 June 2015.)
To get a visa you often need to prove that you have enough money to support yourself during the studies abroad, either by a certificate from CSN or your bank.There are great opportunities for students to apply for scholarships. Some are organised by International Relations and others by other providers. For studies within Europe you may apply for a scholarship within Erasmus+. For studies in the Nordic countries, there are scholarships within the network Nordplus. See information on Scholarships.
How do I apply for a visa?
First, look for information on the website of the partner university. Often they have information on how to proceed. Also look at the website of the appropriate embassy or consulate on information about the application and required documents.