JU researchers on IVA's list of research for sustainable crisis preparedness

Joakim Netz and Kerstin Johansen, researchers at Jönköping University (JU), were awarded a place on IVA's 100-list for 2021 for their respective research projects.
Joakim Netz and Kerstin Johansen, researchers at the School of Engineering (JTH), Jönköping University (JU), were awarded a place on IVA's 100-list for 2021 for their respective research projects. The list highlights current research for sustainable crisis preparedness and was presented on 10 May.
Every year, IVA (the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences) presents its so called 100-list of Swedish research projects with business potential from the country's higher educational institutions. This year's list called for research in technological and economic sciences with a focus on sustainable preparedness for future crises. The research should be able to be used in the foreseeable future and create value for Swedish industry and society through, for example, industrial commercialisation, business and method development or societal impact.
"In line with current issues"
Joakim Netz, Assistant Professor at JTH, has carried out a research project on companies' actions and driving forces during the Corona pandemic together with Mattias Axelson, researcher at Stockholm School of Economics.
“It’s a great honor to be on the IVA-list and the fact that we are on this list with a project that studies companies' contributions in social crises feels important. To me, it means that our research is in line with current issues," says Joakim Netz.

Companies' efforts during the Corona pandemic have been crucial. Photo: Prasesh Shiwakoti lomash/Unsplash
He believes that companies' efforts during the Corona pandemic have been crucial, as both the incredibly fast-paced research and the development of vaccines testify.
“Important contributions to civil defense”
Joakim Netz says that the scientific concept of "value systems", which helps companies and other organisations see the value of their own actions, was further developed during the research project.
“The concept helped the participants understand and act for a business-based resilience, so that the business community can make important contributions to civil defense in the event of a social crisis," says Joakim Netz.
The research project, which is called “Fast capability development for resilient civil defense: The role of business firms’ capacities during the Corona crisis ”, has been financed by MSB (the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency).
Kerstin Johansen, Senior Associate Professor at JTH, is another JU-researcher on IVA's 100 list.
“It is very positive when research can be useful and in this project I have had the opportunity to apply my knowledge to a research area that makes a difference and contributes to a sustainable future," she says.
Aims to help companies
Together with RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden AB), Kerstin Johansen is a part of the research project "Automation within Repair and Remanufacturing", which is led by Linköping University. The project aims to help companies adapt and develop business models and products in order for them to be competitive in the long term.
“At the end of the 19th century, houses were built to last for 200 years and it has worked because they have been maintained. We need to find industrial solutions that are sustainable. I think that the strength of this project is that the research opportunities stem from collaboration and all participants can combine their knowledge areas, which is something we do well at JTH," says Kerstin Johansen.
Salem Seifeddine, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, is pleased with the school's dual research success.
“Creating benefits and contributing to sustainable social development and increased Swedish competitiveness is in the backbone of JTH's researchers. We are extremely proud that our research and our researchers are recognised. This will hopefully lead to continued bridge building with other actors within higher education in Sweden and with the business community," says Salem Seifeddine.
IVA's 100 list 2021 has been developed with the help of a selection committee consisting of more than 40 representatives from academia, industry and public activities. Read the complete list here (in Swedish only). External link, opens in new window.
Read more about Joakim Netz on Jönköping University´s reserach blog Vertikals here (in Swedish only). External link, opens in new window.