Archive 2011

Doctoral Thesis Defence, 21 January, Jönköping International Business School
Wikner, Sarah: Value co-creation as practice - On a supplier's capabilities in the value generation process
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 18 February, School of Education and Communication
Segolsson, Mikael: Lärandets hermeneutik - Tolkningens och dialogens betydelse för lärandet med bildningstanken som utgångspunkt
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 4 March, School of Education and Communication
Otterborg, Annica: Entreprenöriellt lärande - Gymnasieelevers skilda sätt att uppfatta entreprenöriellt lärande
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 29 April, Jönköping International Business School
Karlsson, Peter: Issues of Incompleteness, Outliers and Asymptotics in High Dimensional Data
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 13 May, Jönköping International Business School
Helin, Jenny: Living moments in family meetings
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 25 May, School of Health Sciences
Kvarnström, Susanne: Collaboration in Health and Social Care. Service User Participation and Teamwork in Interprofessional Clinical Microsystems
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 27 May, School of Education and Communication
Nordevall, Elisabeth: Gymnasielärarens uppdrag som mentor: En etnografisk studie av relationens betydelse för elevens lärande och delaktighet
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 1 June, School of Health Sciences
Arvidsson, Susann: Health promoting factors in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain or with rheumatic diseases: a descriptive and interventional study
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 17 June, School of Education and Communication
Andersén, Annelie: Ett särskilt perspektiv på högre studier?: Folkhögskoledeltagares sociala representationer om högskola och universitet
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 16 September, School of Health Sciences
Ericsson, Iréne: Välbefinnande och demens. Aspekter på välbefinnande hos äldre personer med måttlig till svår demenssjukdom
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 21 October, School of Education and Communication
Adolfsson, Margareta: Applying the ICF-CY to identity everyday life situations of children and youth with disabilities
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 28 October, School of Education and Communication
Granbom, Ingrid: "Vi är nästan för bra". Lärares sociala representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 11 November, School of Health Sciences
Silén, Marit: Encountering ethical problems and moral distress as a nurse — Experiences, origins and handling
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 2 December, School of Health Sciences
Munck, Berit: Medical technology in palliative home care as experienced by patients, their next-of-kin and district nurses
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 9 December, School of Health Sciences
Bergsten, Ulrika: The causes and management of rheumatoid arthritis and the interplay in rheumatology care as experienced by patients and healthcare providers
Doctoral Thesis Defence, 9 December, Jönköping International Business School
Markowska, Magdalena: Entrepreneurial Competence Development: Triggers, processes and Consequences