New entrepreneurship research granted SEK 12 million
Two projects at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Jönköping University, have been granted almost SEK 12 million by the Kamprad Family Foundation for research aimed at improving the conditions for entrepreneurship, especially for a viable countryside.

In total, the Kamprad Family Foundation is distributing SEK 75 million to entrepreneurship research for a viable countryside this spring, across 15 different research projects at academic institutions and research institutes in Sweden. The projects, which will start during 2024–2025 and last for three years, are expected to lead to scientifically based, practically applicable knowledge that improves conditions for entrepreneurship in rural areas.

Johan Klaesson
"We are honoured to have been granted support from the Kamprad Family Foundation for two projects. Especially since it involves entrepreneurship research related to rural areas, which is one of our strong profile areas. I’m happy that we can contribute to new knowledge in the field," says Johan Klaesson, Dean and Managing Director at JIBS and the main applicant for one of the projects.
The impact of large business establishments on smaller municipalities
Johan Klaesson, together with Charlotta Mellander, Professor of Economics, Lina Bjerke, Assistant Professor of Economics, and Sofia Wixe, Assistant Professor of Economics (all affiliated with JIBS research centre CEnSE) have been granted SEK 4.8 million for the project "Large-scale entrepreneurship in smaller municipalities – a path to rise or (continued) fall?"
Many smaller municipalities struggle to attract residents and jobs and therefore invest resources in attracting larger business establishments. However, there is limited knowledge about how such large new establishments affect the labour market and population growth. The project therefore aims to develop knowledge about these effects by analyzing whether large new establishments lead to increased immigration of population and workforce or primarily to the relocation of existing skills between workplaces and sectors as well as whether this leads to increased entrepreneurship. The goal of the project is to provide fact-based decision-making material for smaller municipalities that are facing a new establishment or at the early stages of attracting large new establishments.
Certification challenges and opportunities for rural entrepreneurship
The second project has been granted SEK 7 million and is titled "How do increased certification requirements according to standards for management systems affect the conditions for entrepreneurship in the countryside?" The project is led by Emilia Florin Samuelsson, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, with co-applicants Anders Melander, Associate Professor of Business Administration, and Timur Uman, Professor of Business Administration (all affiliated with JIBS research centre MMTC).
The projects purpose is to contribute to the knowledge of the opportunities and challenges that small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas face because of increased demand for certifications. Practically, the project aims to make it easier for rural entrepreneurs to work efficiently with certifications, for example, as a way to drive skill development within their organizations.
Emilia Florin Samuelsson
"In most industries, companies increasingly face demands for certification according to an established standard for systematic quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety management. For some entrepreneurs, this is an opportunity to develop their business and reach new customers. For others, it’s difficult to navigate the demands and challenges they face. Some question whether certifications actually lead to increased value for the company's various stakeholders," says Emilia Florin Samuelsson.
Facts about the Kamprad Family Foundation
The Kamprad Family Foundation was established 10 years ago to support research, education, and charitable activities in a way that benefits the many. Since then, over SEK 1 billion has been distributed.
The purpose of the Kamprad Family Foundation is to support, stimulate, and reward education and scientific research in such a way that entrepreneurship, the environment, competence, health, and social development are promoted. Special focus is directed on the implementation of the results of the research and education so that they can benefit many as soon as possible and in a cost-effective manner.