Systematic Searches and Scholarly Publishing 3 credits

Course Contents

The first part of the course aims to provide an increased awareness of a structured information searching process: how to plan, conduct and report searches for a literature review. An introduction to patent searching is included. The second part gives an overview of the development of scholarly publishing with a focus on scholarly journals and peer review. The student will gain knowledge to develop a publication strategy with emphasis on choice of journal, open access and bibliometrics.

  • Literature review types
  • The literature searching process
  • Library databases
  • Introduction to patent searching
  • Development of scholarly communication
  • Peer review
  • Bibliometric indicators
  • Publication strategy


Admitted to third-cycle programme at the School of Engineering.


Level of Education: Third cycle

Coursecode/Ladok code: FTSVP33

The course is conducted at: School of Engineering

Label Value
Type of course Course, Third-cycle
Study type Normal teaching
Semester Spring 2025: week 9 – week 17
Rate of study 50%
Language English
Location Jönköping
Time Day-time
Syllabus (PDF)
Application code HJ-FT027