Past activities
2016-11-16 Meeting in Jönköping
2016-11-15 Final conference
The research project ended with a final conference where other employees within the industry companies as well as the general industry sector where invited. Here each company presented their results and lessons learned as well as their view on conducting research together with other companies and the academia. The conference ended with presentations by the academic researchers. Here responsiveness from a Swedish perspective, a summary of the project and upcoming research projects was presented.
2016-10-18 Workshop 10, Jönköping University
The workshop was dedicated to the upcoming final conference. Here the companies presented their results and what was to be presented at the final conference etc.
2016-09-15 Phone meeting
2016-06-15 Phone meeting
2016-05-17/18 Workshop 9, Siemens
The workshop started off with a guest lecture by honorary doctor Stig-Arne Mattsson, who discussed customer order decoupling point differentiation for effective inventory control. The case companies then presented their work on connecting lead-times and the absolute measures of Return-on-assets. During the lunch to lunch workshop interesting discussions was held and the workshop was then ended by a closing presentation and discussion held by Stig-Arne Mattsson.
Guest lecture Stig-Arne Mattsson, Honorary doctor at Linnaeus University.
2016-04-12 Phone meeting
2016-03-09/10 Workshop 8, Fagerhult
The workshop started off with a presentation by Fagerhult, where they presented a new internally driven lead-time project which is conducted at the moment.
In order to create a common vision and conceptual framework to build on to, the terminology used within the project was discussed and refreshed. This was followed by a presentation and discussion on the connection between the absolute measures of return on assets (ROA) and their connection to the strategic lead-times. The whole workshop will then work as a foundation for the next part of the project, where the case companies will conduct individual case studies, illustrating the connection between strategic lead-times and the financial measure ROA.
2016-01-27 Meeting in Jönköping
2015-12-02/03 Workshop 7, Ericsson
Based on the last meeting in Jönköping all the companies was asked to develop their own assignment, related to purchasing and lead-time, and then to present the results at this workshop. Every company also acted as the main discussant on another companies presentation, giving feedback, comments and own experiences/knowledge on the problem. An open discussion was also made in connection to a presentation of the paper “Financial measures and their relations to decoupling points and decoupling zones”
2015-10-22 Phone meeting
2015-09-22/23 Workshop 6 + Meeting in Jönköping, Jönköping University
Building on the last workshop, the aim of workshop 6 was to connect the concept of Leagility with level of customization and to analyse the supplier-buyer interface. A lecture on retailing flexibility was held to benchmark the retailing industry and their flexibility capability. The participating companies presented their answers to an assignment where they had to connect the constituent parts in one of their products to the concept of leagility.
2015-06-17 Phone meeting
2015-05-19/20 Workshop 5, Parker
A workshop on the concepts of flexibility, agility and resilience from a general point of view with support of Professor Mohamed Naim. The participating companies presented their answer to an assignments, where they investigated the application of these concepts at their companies.
Guest lecture by Mohamed Naim, Cardiff Business School, UK.
2015-04-22 Phone meeting
2015-03-24/25 Workshop 4, Jönköping University
Introduced the participating companies to the Theory of Constraints, where the participant hade to read the book The Goal, by Eliyahu Goldratt, before the workshop. During the workshop a game was played, lectures was held and the movie The Goal was shown in order to illustrate the theory further. A guest lecture by Fredrik Jersby, Optilon, was held on planning and control in connection to the Theory of constraints. All the companies presented their answer to an assignment, where they connected the Theory of Constraints to their companies by giving illustrative examples.
Guest lecture by Fredrik Jersby, Optilon.
2015-01-28 Meeting in Jönköping
2014-11-26/27 Workshop 3, Siemens
Building on to last workshop by focusing on engineering perspectives and production perspectives in product development projects and the connection to the customer order decoupling point. This was further illustrated by examples from all case companies.
2014-10-22 Phone meeting
2014-09-16/17 Workshop 2, Fagerhult/Jönköping University
Workshop focusing on engineering perspectives in product development projects and the connection to the customer order decoupling point, illustrated by examples from Fagerhult.
Guest lecture by Martin Rudberg, Linköping University, Campus Norrköping and Jonathan Gosling, Cardiff Business School, UK.
2014-06-10 Phone meeting
2014-05-13/14 Workshop 1, Ericsson
Workshop on KPIs, in which the companies presented internal KPIs connected to purchasing and manufacturing.
Guest lecture by Helena Forslund, Linnaeus University in Växjö
2014-03-13 Meeting in Jönköping
2014-01-29 Phone meeting