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It is not uncommon for students to come into contact with drugs of various kinds. Drug use has negative long-term consequences in different areas of life.
Five reasons to abstain from drugs
For your sake
The brain is amazing. When you move, build relationships, complete a task or feel meaningful to others, the brain responds by giving rewards.
For your benefit
Using drugs makes it harder to maintain relationships and to succeed in studies and work. What used to be important can lose its meaning if the drug takes over.
For others close to you
What we do affects others. Drugs can impair a person's ability to live life to the full, and to bring joy to themselves and their loved ones. Some people become violent and fight when under the influence. The health of loved ones is affected by a person taking drugs, and children growing up in homes where drugs are used are at risk of harm.
Because you matter
Together we contribute to health care, justice and help for those who need to be free from drug addiction by working and paying taxes.
For our planet
Drugs harm the environment. Drug crops lead to the destruction of forests. The Amazon rainforest is particularly threatened. Chemical waste from drug production flows into rivers and threatens fish and other aquatic animals. People who produce drugs are at risk of being harmed by the toxic environment they are in. Drugs grown indoors or in greenhouses require large amounts of energy, leading to carbon dioxide emissions.
Original text from Region Stockholm