Health and Well-being

At the Student Health Care, Studenthälsan, our aim is to ensure you feel good!
University years represent a period in ones life that is characterised by intense personal growth, development and change on several different levels. It could be about the actual studies themselves, the impending decision regarding ones career, the parting of ways, leaving old friends behind and making new, ones financial situation or a new and very different environment to get accustomed to.
Young people studying at university are often in the midst of a very sensitive period in their lives. Basically, there are three major problem areas or life crises that are characteristic of ones time as a student.
Firstly, the vast majority of students find themselves moving away from home for the first time in their lives, to live in an entirely new environment with responsibility for their own finances and accommodation. This means you find yourself in a new and very unique stage in life where much of your old habits and routines no longer apply. Students who commute are a particularly vulnerable group as are those who already have a family. Their problems are often related to stress and a sense of inadequacy.
Secondly, you suddenly find yourself faced with a variety of choices and options. “Have I made the right decisions regarding my line of studies, or can I change my mind even though I have already started? Why aren´t my studies proceeding as planned?"
Life partner
Thirdly, perhaps as a student you may also be searching for a life partner. You may find yourself having to establish an entirely new circle of friends in the new town/area/country of residence.
These dilemmas can sometimes lead to an identity crisis or may result in individual isolation and a pervasive sense of being alone. Such problems are not unusual for young people as a whole, but what is unique about the student environment is that no one can replace you, for example during exams, which is why Student Health Care exists as an organisation with the capacity to take immediate action to help you do yourself justice during your years of study.
It is important to recognise and acknowledge that change can lead to personal development and you should therefore avoid seeing most things as problems.
Maybe it is worth adopting the approach that the time at university is an instructive phase in life, on all levels, for you as a human being. Seize the opportunity to practise solving problems, to become a master at dealing with stress and to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Reflect on the best strategies you can employ to lay the foundation for the quality and standard of live you would truly like!