Digital aids

There are plenty of digital aids that you can take advantage of and that can help you in the study situation. Below are some examples:

  • Read Readability is an add-on that you download in the Chrome browser with your Google It helps you clean up unnecessary things around the text, such as images and advertisements, so you can more easily take on the text itself. It's free. It is also available as an app for smartphones.

Text to speech

  • Both iPhone/iPad have built-in speech Go to Settings-General-Accessibility-Speech to enable. Select the text you want spoken, and select Speak.
  • In Android, you can find speech synthesis by going to Settings-Availability-Syn-Text-Text-To-Speech. It works on some apps but not on
  • As a student at Jönköping University, you can use the speech synthesis TorTalk both at home and at University. The Information on how to download the program can be found here
  • Legimus downloads and reads your audio books from Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM). Account and help with it you get at the University Library.


  • AudioNote is an app that records audio and you can take notes on You can then move between notes and don't have to listen to the entire lecture. There are both a free and buy in app versions.
  • Notability is another app that also records audio and you can note in it. It has many functions and among other things you can take notes on imported PDF's and get the lecturer's speech to each picture.

Write and Speech to Text

  • SAOL is both a book and an app that lists swedish word spelling, inflection and pronunciation
  • Dragon dictatation is an app that helps you turn your Swedish and English speech into text. It is also available on computer and can only handle English speech.
  • iPhone/iPad's built-in dictation can be found in notes, messages, and email, for example. To activate, press the microphone icon next to the space bar.
  • Android devices have the same functions
  • The OribiWriter app can correct spelling and read your text for you. It is only available for iPad.