News archive
The right successor ensures business survival
The sudden death of a CEO or owner can cause chaos and financial instability in small and medium-sized enterprises, which often lack robust succession plans. Successors with a long tenure and deep familiarity with the company are the most effective in ensuring recovery, regardless of family ties. Non-family successors cope better with short-term problems, while family successors perform better in the long term. This is according to a study from Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) at Jönköping University (JU).
JU researchers awarded for study on light and sleep
Myriam Aries and Géza Fischl, from Jönköping University (JU), have recently received the SLL Leon Gaster Award 2024. The researchers were given the award for two papers related to a study on the relationship between light exposure and sleep outcomes among office workers.“By adapting the light environment, both at home and in the workplace, we can potentially improve our sleep quality and thus our overall health and well-being,” says Myriam Aries.
Five-year research project to decarbonise metal production
Mission 0 House, led by Polestar and Lindholmen Science Park, is a unique collaboration between industry and academia with the goal of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing processes. Jönköping University (JU) is one of five universities involved in the project.“To be involved in chasing away climate impact in this way is incredibly exciting, especially together with Polestar Performance AB,” says Anders Jarfors, Professor of Materials and Manufacturing - Casting at the School of Engineering (JTH), JU.
Can making music improve the quality of life for people with dementia?
Music has a unique ability to create community and well-being. Now, a new research project, with researchers from Jönköping University (JU), is investigating how a music programme, Music in Mind, can contribute to improved quality of life for people with dementia. Through improvised music making, participants can experience meaningful moments without the need for using their memory or for performance.
Fashion companies lack a returns management strategy
Returns management in fashion e-commerce is a systemic problem. This is according to Anna-Maria Petisme, who analysed the sustainability work of fashion e-commerce and recently presented the results in her doctoral thesis.“Returns are often seen as ‘someone else's problem’. There is no coordinated strategy for returns management in many companies and instead returns are handled by different departments with differing goals and priorities, which leads to no one taking overall responsibility,” says Anna-Maria Petisme.
Sustainability and preparedness: the key to food security
There is a growing need to integrate sustainability and preparedness to secure the Swedish food supply. This is according to a new research report from Jönköping University (JU) and several other universities. The research points out that these areas are often handled separately, which risks leading to ineffective solutions for major societal challenges. “The two expert groups need to be in the same room,” says Joakim Netz, Assistant Professor in Work Organisation at Jönköping University and visiting researcher at Chalmers.
Fewer newspaper owners lead to higher news quality
Consolidation of media ownership in recent years has affected news quality for the better. This is according to a new study conducted at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) at Jönköping University (JU). “Our results challenge the view that the concentration of the media sector only harms news quality,” says Mart Ots, Associate Professor at JIBS.
Female board members boost male-led new ventures
Female board members have a clear impact on male-led new ventures that aim to grow rapidly. This is shown by a new study from Jönköping University (JU) and Erasmus University. The study highlights that their contribution to workforce development and recruitment can be crucial for the long-term success of companies.
Focus on Norra Kärr at mining seminar
On 28 February, a seminar on the Norra Kärr mining project north of Gränna was held at the School of Education and Communication (HLK) at Jönköping University (JU). "Many different, interesting and current perspectives were raised in regard to the mining issue with a focus on Norra Kärr," says Ann-Sofie Kall, Assistant Professor of Sociology at HLK and project manager for a research project on mining.