
Accelerating a Sustainability Transition 15 credits

Course content

This course is designed to inspire and enable participants to collaborate and lead effective change towards sustainability. The course is supports innovators for sustainability and broaden their understanding of global risks, international standards and regulations. By studying value chains, ecosystems, we explore how to align with 1.5 degree target and overall Agenda 2030 goals. The course is created to empower and prepare anyone that is willing to coach their organization or another organization into accelerating their sustainability transition. Participants are invited to explore their own resilience and role by unfolding the Inner Development Goals and exploring their personal values and impact. This journey is supported by regular dialogs, coaching, and mentoring sessions to help participants reflect, engage and work on their identified goals. **Connection to Research and Practice** Based on the global calls for decarbonization and creating a regenerative economy, this course introduces the global context for sustainability, the SDGs and the IDGs to facilitate sustainable innovation, the social dynamics of transformation, innovation within the organization, innovation within the infrastructure/environment to create a roadmap to sustainability transformation based on science based targets (SBTI).

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and English proficiency is required and evidence of at least three years of professional work experience.

Level: First cycle

Course/Ladok-code: JASG14

School: Jönköping International Business School

Course information

  • Type of courseFree-standing course
  • Type of instructionOnline Distance Learning
  • Semester
    2025 Week 36 - 2026 Week 3
  • Study pace50%
  • LocationNo physical attendance required
  • Teaching hoursMixed-time
  • Tuition feeApplies only to students outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland.30000 sek
  • Course SyllabusHTMLPDF
  • Occasion code14190
Content updated 2013-07-31