Content updated 2016-03-31

School of Education and Communication


Closing ceremonies at HLK

Friday, June 7, 2024

On June 4 at 9-12 (2nd floor -outside LOK) is the last chance to pick up your tickets and your scarf before the closing ceremony. If you have not picked up the tickets at this time, they will be released.

Tickets that have not been picked up will be released on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to get hold of one extra ticket, you must come to HLK on June 4 at 13-14 (2nd floor- outside LOK). If there are any tickets left, they will be distributed to those who arrive first.

If you are unable to pick up your tickets yourself, you can send someone else. This must be communicated to in good time before the ticket distribution on Tuesday.

All students who registered for the closing ceremony have received an email with information about tickets and the ceremony.

Master's programs GlobalS, LeaDS, Interventions in Childhood and Sustainable Communication.

Location: Hammarskjöldsalen, Elmia


09.30-10.45: Mingle for students and staff

10.00-10.45: Friends and loved ones arrive and enter Hammarskjöldsalen

11.00-12.00: Completion ceremony

You as student can find more information here! Pdf, 319.1 kB.


Family and friends are welcome to attend the completion ceremony. All guests must be registered in advance by the student who will be attending the ceremony.

For reasons such as space and security, each student may register a maximum of two guests for whom the student receives tickets that must be shown by the guest at the ceremony.

Any remaining tickets will be opened up for registration when the regular registration period has expired. Then it is first come, first served.



Welcome as an HLK alumnus!

Do you have questions about the completion ceremony?
Contact Coordinator
Sofia Wärnbring Bark

Once you have graduated, you have the opportunity to get involved as an alumnus. Read more here