Content updated 2021-10-25

Exam schedule JUE

Pathway Swedish 1 7.5 HP- PS1G11
PS1G11/2104 3 HP (2104 Swe1 Second written exam)
Tuesday 15 April time 09:00 to 11:00
The registration is open! (closes 2025-04-05)
Number of registered: 40
Type of exam: Exam in paper format Anonymous
Room: Campus Jönköping
Free text: Read and find the rules for exams here:
Pathway Swedish 2 7.5 HP- PS2G11
PS2G11/2104 3 HP (2104 Swe1 Second written exam)
Tuesday 15 April time 09:00 to 11:00
The registration is open! (closes 2025-04-05)
Number of registered: 22
Type of exam: Inspera – Digital exam Anonymous
Room: Campus Jönköping
Free text: Read and find the rules for exams here:
Pathway Swedish 2 7.5 HP- PS2G11
PS2G11/2104 3 HP (2104 Swe1 Second written exam)
Tuesday 29 April time 09:00 to 11:00
The registration will open 2025-03-30
Type of exam: Inspera – Digital exam Anonymous
Room: Campus Jönköping
Free text: Read and find the rules for exams here:


Examinations at Jönköping University are coordinated by the examination group. More information.

Find the room

Buildning A: President's Office, University Services and Service Center

Building B: Jönköping International Business School

Building C: Library

Building E: School of Engineering

Building G: School of Health Sciences

Building H: School of Education and Communication

Building J: Campus Arena (the sports centre)

Map of Campus

Exam registration

Register to the examinations at Ladok web services no later than 10 days before the examination.