
Advanced Leadership 7.5 credits

Course content

The purpose of Advanced Leadership is to encourage leadership skills that are relevant when operating in a global context. The course builds on a set of theoretical perspectives about leadership covering key themes such as global leadership, strategic leadership systems, power and leadership, leadership for change, gender and leadership, moral aspects and critical perspectives of leadership, in order to foster professional and responsible leadership. **Connection to research and practice** The course combines the mainstream and emerging theoretical perspectives about leadership, with key issues that are practically relevant in the global setting: power, diversity, collectivity, sustainability, change, ethics, digitalization. During the course, leadership is discussed in light of core dimensions in the global context such as responsibility for others or solidarity and inclusion in organizational actions. Following research carried out at JIBS, leadership is also examined from the perspective of “dark side” and power issues in organizations, as well as from the point of view of leadership motives and goals. Attention is also given to the study of leadership across multiple levels in organizations, in connection to the research stream of strategic leadership systems.

Entry requirements

Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (or the equivalent).

Level: Second cycle

Course/Ladok-code: MGSR23

School: Jönköping International Business School

Course information

  • Type of courseProgramme instance course
  • Type of instructionNormal teaching
  • Semester
    2025 Week 36 - Week 43
  • Study pace100%
  • LocationJönköping
  • Teaching hoursDay-time
  • Tuition feeApplies only to students outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland.17500 sek
  • Course SyllabusPDF
  • Occasion codeJ4143
Content updated 2013-07-31