
Programme Outlines and Overviews

Principles of Project Management 7.5 credits

Course content

Project management has developed to the point where it is a professional discipline having its own body of knowledge and skills. Today it is nearly impossible to imagine anyone at any level in the organization who would not benefit from some degree of expertise in the process of managing projects. The goals for prospective project managers are to understand clearly the role of a project in their organizations and to master project management tools/techniques and inter-personal skills necessary to orchestrate projects to completion. This course will introduce students to the issues in the management of projects, and impart to them an appreciation of the complexities involved in managing them within the constraints of time, cost and performance. It starts with the basics of project management framework and then will move to its knowledge areas in order to develop the skills for effective planning of projects to deliver products, processes and services on time. **Connection to research and practice** The use and application of projects and project management know-how are becoming more relevant across academic disciplines and management practices. Research projects within entrepreneurship, media management, and transformation can offer methodical insights and relevant evidence-based information to support students' learning in the discipline of project management. The course enhances students' hands-on abilities and analytical skills in applying and using project management frameworks and tools. Practical implications of the course include the expected ability to apply the basic skills and tools required to assess cost, quality, and risk in the management projects.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements + Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2, Mathematics 3b or 3c. Or: Civics A, English B, Mathematics C (or the equivalent).

Level: First cycle

Course/Ladok-code: MGBG13

School: Jönköping International Business School

Course information

  • Type of courseProgramme instance course
  • Type of instructionNormal teaching
  • Semester
    2025 Week 44 - 2026 Week 3
  • Study pace100%
  • LocationJönköping
  • Teaching hoursDay-time
  • Tuition feeApplies only to students outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland.14375 sek
  • Course SyllabusHTMLPDF
  • Occasion codeJ4139
Content updated 2013-07-31