
Programme Outlines and Overviews

Systems Thinking Competence 2.5 credits

Course content

The course presents tools and methods of system dynamics to build abilities to examine systems and sustainability challenges. These abilities are core to build a complexity awareness that allows students to work with complex and systemic conditions and causalities as well as understand patterns in line with the Inner Development Goals. Through the course, the students learn to model and analyse conditions, causalities, and consequences of systems as well as design interventions for sustainable enterprise development with a systems perspective. The topic covered in the course include: - Systems dynamics modelling methods, including their main elements and logic, to be implemented in sustainability challenges. - IT-supported tools for systems mapping and modelling interventions for sustainable enterprise development. - Hands-on exercises and case studies to apply the theory and knowledge in a real-world or simulated setting. **Connection to Research and Practice** The course is based on research and tools on system thinking and sustainability. Through analysing and applying selected materials, the students examine the theories and tools in cases and learn about the systems analysis and implications of introducing and working with systems thinking. The course is core to MMTC and CeFEO research centre where research on sustainability and transformation has been initiated. . Through problem-based learning the course stimulates the development of students’ system thinking competence as proposed by the Inner Development Goals. The course activities foster the ability to understand the patterns, interdependency of (sub)systems, cascading effects, feedback loops, and accompanying behaviors.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements and taken courses of 15 credits in Business Administration and/or Economics including the course Sustainability Challenges and Systems, 5 credits (or the equivalent).

Level: First cycle

Course/Ladok-code: JSTK15

School: Jönköping International Business School

Course information

  • Type of courseProgramme instance course
  • Type of instructionNormal teaching
  • Semester
    2026 Week 20 - Week 23
  • Study pace100%
  • LocationJönköping
  • Teaching hoursDay-time
  • Tuition feeApplies only to students outside the EU/EEA/Switzerland.4792 sek
  • Course SyllabusPDF
  • Occasion codeJ5064
Content updated 2013-07-31