YH-program med kursplaner
Marketing Communication 7.5 hp
The course gives a broad introduction to marketing communication as professional and academic discipline. This includes embracing theories, methods and working processes which underpins marketing communication planning, execution and evaluation.
Specific areas include:
- The role of marketing communication within the larger field of marketing.
- Target group analysis, communication strategy and objectives.
- Communication tools and actors included the general marketing communication market.
- Creative strategies and execution.
- Media choice and media planning.
- Budgeting, effect measurement and evaluation of communication efforts.
**Connection to Research and Practice**
The course is anchored on providing a basic level of understanding of marketing communications at the bachelor’s level.
The group project assignment is designed to provide students an opportunity to apply theoretical principles in a real-life setting (with partner companies project) or quasi real-life setting (with projects based on cases from crowdfunding platforms). Students are to analyze communication needs in the given scenario and create a marketing communication solution. Theoretical aspects from the course will be used to justify and drive student’s choices. As a part of the assignment an exemplary marketing communication message is to be created and a final solution to be delivered to the client.
30 credits in Business Administration or Economics including Marketing Management (or the equivalent). Proof of English proficiency is required.
Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå
Kurskod/Ladokkod: JMCK18
Kursen ges vid: Internationella Handelshögskolan
Fakta aktuellt kurstillfälle
- Typ av kursProgramkurstillfälle
- StudieformNormal
- Termin2026 Vecka 14 - Vecka 23
- Studietakt100%
- OrtJönköping
- KurstidDagtid
- StudieavgiftGäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz14375 sek
- KursplanPDF
- AnmälningskodJ5057
Sidan uppdaterad 2017-10-02