Artikel (refereegranskat)
Kans, M., Löfving, M. (2024). Unlocking the circular potential: A review and research agenda for remanufacturing in the European wood products industry.
Linnéusson, G., Boldt, S. (2024). Towards Assessing the Economic Sustainability of Reconfigurable Modularization in Semi-Automatic Assembly Systems: A System Dynamics Perspective.
Systems 12(6),
Melander, A., Brunninge, O., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Löfving, M. (2024). Management innovation in SMEs – taking psychological ownership of Hoshin Kanri.
Production planning & control (Print) 35(14), 1687-1705
Mihocic, E., Gharehbaghi, K., Hilletofth, P., Tee, K., Myers, M. (2024). Augmenting the cities’ and metropolitan regional demands for mega rail infrastructure: the application of SWOT and factor analysis.
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment
Pandit, S., Agarwalla, P., Song, F., Jansson, A., Dotti, G., Brudno, Y. (2024). Implantable CAR T cell factories enhance solid tumor treatment.
Ramstrand, N., Riveiro, M., Eriksson, L., Ceder, M. (2024). Designing feelings into lower-limb prostheses: A kansei engineering approach to understand lower-limb prosthetic cosmeses.
Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
Rösiö, C., Skärin, F. (2024). Transition to changeability mindset through initial assessment of reconfigurability in production development.
Procedia CIRP (pp. 1194-1199).
Shah, M., Borade, H., Dave, V., Agrawal, H., Nair, P., Vakharia, V. (2024). Utilizing TGAN and ConSinGAN for Improved Tool Wear Prediction: A Comparative Study with ED-LSTM, GRU, and CNN Models.
Electronics 13(17),
Andersen, A., Rösiö, C. (2023). Continuing Engineering Education in Changeable and Reconfigurable Manufacturing: Implications of Problem-Based Learning in Industrial Practice.
International Journal of Engineering Education 39(5), 1118-1130
Arjomandi Rad, M., Cenanovic, M., Salomonsson, K. (2023). Image regression-based digital qualification for simulation-driven design processes, case study on curtain airbag.
Journal of engineering design (Print) 34(1), 1-22
Fobbe, L., Hilletofth, P. (2023). Moving toward a circular economy in manufacturing organizations: the role of circular stakeholder engagement practices.
The International Journal of Logistics Management 34(3), 674-698
Johansen, K. (2023). A disruptive industrial environment – Aspects to reflect on as a manufacturing SME.
Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research 13(2), 57-66
Jonsson, C., Stolt, R., Elgh, F. (2023). A case-based reasoning method including tooling function for case retrieval and reuse in stamping tooling design.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 20(5), 839-855
Lennartsson, M., André, S., Elgh, F. (2023). PLM support for design platforms in industrialized house-building.
Construction Innovation 23(2), 265-286
Linnéusson, G., Uriarte, A. (2023). Learning from simulating with system dynamics in healthcare: evaluating closer care strategies for elderly patients.
Journal of Simulation 17(5), 557-579
Rebeggiani, S., Bergman, M., Rosén, B., Eriksson, L. (2023). On communicating extruded aluminium surface quality along the supply chain – a customer approach to sustainable surfaces.
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 11(1),
Reitsma, E., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, E. (2023). Supply chain design during product development: a systematic literature review.
Taylor & Francis
Sequeira, M., Adlemo, A., Hilletofth, P. (2023). A hybrid fuzzy-AHP-TOPSIS model for evaluation of manufacturing relocation decisions.
Operations Management Research (pp. 164-191).
Skärin, F., Rösiö, C., Andersen, A. (2023). Sustainability and circularity in reconfigurable manufacturing: literature review and future research directions.
InderScience Publishers
Sordan, J., Oprime, P., Pimenta, M., Chiabert, P., Lombardi, F., Hilletofth, P. (2023). One-of-a-kind production (OKP) planning and control: a comprehensive review and future research directions.
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 72(8), 2446-2466
Säfsten, K., Harlin, U., Johansen, K., Larsson, L., Rönnbäck, A. (2023). Resilient and sustainable production systems: towards a research agenda.
International Journal of Manufacturing Research 18(4), 343-365
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Popovic, D. (2023). Mitigating product data management challenges in the wooden single-family house industry.
Journal of Information Technology in Construction (pp. 757-773).
Alayón, C., Säfsten, K., Johansson, G. (2022). Barriers and Enablers for the Adoption of Sustainable Manufacturing by Manufacturing SMEs.
Sustainability 14(4),
Andersson, T., Linnéusson, G., Holmén, M., Kjellsdotter, A. (2022). Nurturing innovative culture in a healthcare organisation: Lessons from a Swedish case study.
Journal of Health Organization & Management 37(9), 17-33
Arjomandi Rad, M., Salomonsson, K., Cenanovic, M., Balague, H., Raudberget, D., Stolt, R. (2022). Correlation-based feature extraction from computer-aided design, case study on curtain airbags design.
Computers in industry (Print)
Ascic, I., Ascic, J., Hilletofth, P., Pimenta, M., Hilmola, O. (2022). An Evaluation of Critical Capabilities and Improvement Areas for Competitive Manufacturing in a Developed-Country Environment.
Sustainability 14(11),
Elias, M., Liboni, L., Cezarino, L., Martins, F., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Hilmola, O. (2022). Shedding Light on the Brazilian Amazon Biotrade: A Study on Sustainable Development in Native Communities.
Sustainability 14(19),
Gharehbaghi, K., Hosseinian-Far, A., Hilletofth, P. (2022). The predicaments of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for transport infrastructure: an examination of policy stagnation and progress.
Transforming Government 16(4), 449-463
Johansen, K., Grahn, S. (2022). Usefulness of digital tools when designing human robot collaboration layouts.
Product 20(2),
Kaneberg, E., Rico-Cortez, M., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Sandoval-Pineda, J., Gonzalez-Huerta, R. (2022). Hydrogen technology for supply chain sustainability: The Mexican transportation impacts on society.
International journal of hydrogen energy 47(70), 29999-30011
Kantari, L., Pujawan, I., Arvitrida, N., Hilletofth, P. (2022). Mixing contract-based and on-demand sourcing of transportation services for improved supply chain performance under supply uncertainties.
International journal of systems science 9(4), 472-488
Linnéusson, G., Andersson, T., Kjellsdotter, A., Holmén, M. (2022). Using systems thinking to increase understanding of the innovation system of healthcare organisations.
Journal of Health Organization & Management 36(9), 179-195
Melander, A., Müllern, T., Anderssson, D., Elgh, F., Löfving, M. (2022). Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Collaborative Research—in Dialogues We Trust.
Systemic Practice and Action Research (pp. 655-677).
Popovic, D., Schauerte, T., Elgh, F. (2022). Product platform alignment in industrialised house building.
Wood Material Science & Engineering 17(6), 572-585
Rahnama, H., Johansen, K., Larsson, L., Ronnback, A. (2022). Collaboration in Value Constellations for Sustainable Production: The Perspective of Small Technology Solution Providers.
Sustainability 14(8),
Renkema, M., Hilletofth, P. (2022). Intermediate short food supply chains: a systematic review.
British Food Journal 124(13), 541-558
Salim, R., Johansen, K., Manduchi, A., Säfsten, K. (2022). Automation Decisions in Manufacturing System Development Projects: The Wood Products Industry Perspective.
BioProducts Business 7(1), 1-12
Skärin, F., Rösiö, C., Andersen, A. (2022). An Explorative Study of Circularity Practices in Swedish Manufacturing Companies.
Sustainability 14(12),
Thajudeen, S., Elgh, F., Lennartsson, M. (2022). Supporting the Reuse of Design Assets in ETO-Based Components: A Case Study from an Industrialised Post and Beam Building System.
Buildings 12(1),
Thajudeen, S., Lennartsson, M., Elgh, F. (2022). Identification of challenges and success factors in industrialised house building design.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 175(1), 27-37
Özel, S., Akay, S., Özel, F. (2022). A facile synthesis of Ag2MnSnS4 nanorods through colloidal method.
Turkish journal of chemistry 46(4), 1291-1296
Dogea, R., Stolt, R. (2021). Identifying challenges related to industry 4.0 in five manufacturing companies.
Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 328-334).
Edh Mirzaei, N., Hilletofth, P., Pal, R. (2021). Challenges to competitive manufacturing in high-cost environments: checklist and insights from Swedish manufacturing firms.
Operations Management Research (pp. 272-292).
Ekström, T., Hilletofth, P., Skoglund, P. (2021). Towards a purchasing portfolio model for defence procurement: A Delphi study of Swedish defence authorities.
International Journal of Production Economics
Eriksson, D., Hilletofth, P., Tate, W., Gothager, M. (2021). Critical Manufacturing Prerequisites for Successful Reshoring.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 14(2), 249-260
Eriksson, M., Ferwerda, B. (2021). Towards a User Experience Framework for Business Intelligence.
Journal of Computer Information Systems 61(5), 428-437
Fobbe, L., Hilletofth, P. (2021). The role of stakeholder interaction in sustainable business models. A systematic literature review.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Fobbe, L., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Stakeholder interaction for sustainability in seaports: Analysing the implementation and its linkages to overarching interaction efforts.
European Business Review 33(5), 693-724
Henriksson, F., Johansen, K., Schütte, S. (2021). Challenges when working with renewable materials: knocking on wood?.
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 14(6), 1980-1987
Hilletofth, P., Sequeira, M., Tate, W. (2021). Fuzzy-logic-based support tools for initial screening of manufacturing reshoring decisions.
Industrial management & data systems 121(5), 965-992
Jarfors, A., Matsushita, T., Siafakas, D., Stolt, R. (2021). On the nature of the anisotropy of Maraging steel (1.2709) in additive manufacturing through powder bed laser-based fusion processing.
Materials & design
Jarfors, A., Sevastopol, R., Seshendra, K., Zhang, Q., Steggo, J., Stolt, R. (2021). On the Use of Conformal Cooling in High-Pressure Die-Casting and Semisolid Casting.
Technologies 9(2),
Jarfors, A., Shashidhar, A., Yepur, H., Steggo, J., Andersson, N., Stolt, R. (2021). Build strategy and impact strength of slm produced maraging steel (1.2709).
Metals 11(1), 1-20
Johansen, K., Ashour Pour, M., Rao, S. (2021). Positioning sustainable automation in production of customized products.
Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 358-364).
Kantari, L., Pujawan, I., Arvitrida, N., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Investigating the mix of contract-based and on-demand sourcing for transportation services under fluctuate and seasonal demand.
International Journal of Logistics 24(3), 280-302
Löfving, M., Melander, A., Elgh, F., Andersson, D. (2021). Implementing Hoshin Kanri in small manufacturing companies.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32(9), 304-322
Murillo Oviedo, A., Pimenta, M., Piato, É., Hilletofth, P. (2021). Development of market-oriented strategies through cross-functional integration in the context of the food and beverage industry.
Business Process Management Journal 27(3), 901-921
Popovic, D., Elgh, F., Heikkinen, T. (2021). Configuration of flexible volumetric elements using product platforms: Information modeling method and a case study.
Automation in Construction
Rivalta, F., Ceschini, L., Jarfors, A., Stolt, R. (2021). Effect of scanning strategy in the l‐pbf process of 18ni300 maraging steel.
Metals 11(5),
Sequeira, M., Hilletofth, P., Adlemo, A. (2021). AHP-based support tools for initial screening of manufacturing reshoring decisions.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 14(3), 502-527
Shahbazi, S., Johansen, K., Sundin, E. (2021). Product design for automated remanufacturing—a case study of electric and electronic equipment in Sweden.
Sustainability 13(16),
Vestin, A., Säfsten, K., Löfving, M. (2021). Smart factories for single-family wooden houses: a practitioner’s perspective.
Construction Innovation 21(1), 64-84
Berglund, M., Harlin, U., Säfsten, K. (2020). Interactive research in production start-up—application and outcomes.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31(8), 1561-1581
Bergman, M., Rosen, B., Eriksson, L., Lundeholm, L. (2020). Material & Surface design methodology-the user study framework.
Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties 8(4),
Bruch, J., Rösiö, C., Granlund, A., Johansson, P. (2020). Managing the core plant role-key prerequisites from an operations perspective.
International Journal of Manufacturing Research 15(1), 90-106
Cenanovic, M., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2020). Finite element procedures for computing normals and mean curvature on triangulated surfaces and their use for mesh refinement.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Ekström, T., Hilletofth, P., Skoglund, P. (2020). Differentiation strategies for defence supply chain design.
Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics 4(2), 183-202
Heikkinen, T., Johansson, J., Elgh, F. (2020). Multidisciplinary design automation – A conceptual framework for working with product model extensions.
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 13(1), 28-47
Heikkinen, T., Stolt, R., Elgh, F. (2020). Incorporating Design for Additive Manufacturing in Multidisciplinary Design Automation – Challenges Identified.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 17(5), 936-947
Hilmola, O., Lähdeaho, O., Henttu, V., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic: Early implications for north european manufacturing and logistics.
Sustainability 12(20), 1-13
Johansen, K. (2020). Challenges for manufacturers when customers are locked down - Is it possible to be prepared?.
Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research 10(2), 54-58
Pardillo-Baez, Y., Sequeira, M., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Local and Organic Food Distribution Systems: Towards a Future Agenda.
Operations and Supply Chain Management 13(4), 336-348
Reitsma, E., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P., Andersson, R. (2020). The outcomes of providing lean training to strategic suppliers: A Swedish case study.
The TQM Journal 33(5), 1049-1065
Salim, R., Manduchi, A., Johansson, A. (2020). Investment Decisions on Automation of Manufacturing in the Wood Products Industry: A Case Study.
Bioproducts Business 5(1), 1-12
Sansone, C., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2020). Evaluation of critical operations capabilities for competitive manufacturing in a high-cost environment.
Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 13(3), 229-250
Stolt, R., Elgh, F. (2020). Introducing design for selective laser melting in aerospace industry.
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 7(4), 489-497
Tezel, A., Papadonikolaki, E., Yitmen, I., Hilletofth, P. (2020). Preparing construction supply chains for blockchain technology: An investigation of its potential and future directions.
Frontiers of Engineering Management (pp. 547-563).
Das, S., Cenanovic, M., Zhang, J. (2019). A physics-based estimation of mean curvature normal vector for triangulated surfaces.
Proceedings of the International Geometry Center 12(1), 70-78
De Goey, H., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, L. (2019). Design-driven innovation: a systematic literature review.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Ferreira, A., Pimenta, M., Wlazlak, P. (2019). Antecedents of cross-functional integration level and their organizational impact.
Journal of business & industrial marketing 34(8), 1706-1723
Granlund, A., Rösiö, C., Bruch, J., Johansson, P. (2019). Lead factory operationalisation and challenges.
Production planning & control (Print) 30(2-3), 96-111
Müller, J., Isaksson, O., Landahl, J., Raja, V., Panarotto, M., Levandowski, C., Raudberget, D. (2019). Enhanced function-means modeling supporting design space exploration.
Artificial intelligence for engineering design, analysis and manufacturing 33(4), 502-516
Raudberget, D., Elgh, F., Stolt, R., Johansson, J., Lennartsson, M. (2019). Developing agile platform assets: exploring ways to reach beyond modularisation at five product development companies.
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 12(4), 311-331
Stolt, R., Elgh, F. (2019). Enhancing traceability in heterogeneous design platforms.
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 12(1), 62-80
Wlazlak, P., Eriksson, Y., Johansson, G., Ahlin, P. (2019). Visual representations for communication in geographically distributed new product development projects.
Journal of engineering design (Print) 30(8-9), 385-403
Wlazlak, P., Säfsten, K., Hilletofth, P. (2019). Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-supplier integration to prepare for production ramp-up.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 30(2), 506-530
Wognum, N., Bil, C., Elgh, F., Peruzzini, M., Stjepandić, J., Verhagen, W. (2019). Transdisciplinary systems engineering: Implications, challenges and research agenda.
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 12(1), 58-89
André, S., Elgh, F. (2018). Modeling of transdisciplinary engineering assets using the design platform approach for improved customization ability.
Advanced Engineering Informatics (pp. 277-290).
Heikkinen, T., Johansson, J., Elgh, F. (2018). Review of CAD-model Capabilities and Restrictions for Multidisciplinary use.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 15(4), 509-519
Hjertberg, T., Stolt, R., Elgh, F. (2018). A tool for obtaining transparency and traceability in heterogeneous design automation environments.
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 15(4), 488-500
Jansson, J., Gustafsson, T., Salomonsson, K., Olofsson, J., Johansson, J., Appelsved, P., Palm, M. (2018). An anisotropic non-linear material model for glass fibre reinforced plastics.
Composite structures (pp. 93-98).
Johansson, J., Contero, M., Company, P., Elgh, F. (2018). Supporting connectivism in knowledge based engineering with graph theory, filtering techniques and model quality assurance.
Advanced Engineering Informatics (pp. 252-263).
Olofsson, J., Cenni, R., Cova, M., Bertuzzi, G., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J. (2018). Multidisciplinary shape optimization of ductile iron castings by considering local microstructure and material behaviour.
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print) 57(5), 1889-1903
Pahlberg, T., Thurley, M., Popovic, D., Hagman, O. (2018). Crack detection in oak flooring lamellae using ultrasound-excited thermography.
Infrared physics & technology (pp. 57-69).
Wlazlak, P., Säfsten, K., Hilletofth, P., Johansson, G. (2018). Integration of Suppliers’ Workflows in the OEMs’ New Product Development Process.
Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 479-486).
Amouzgar, K., Strömberg, N. (2017). Radial basis functions as surrogate models with a priori bias in comparison with a posteriori bias.
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print) 55(4), 1453-1469
André, S., Elgh, F., Johansson, J., Stolt, R. (2017). The design platform – a coherent platform description of heterogeneous design assets for suppliers of highly customised systems.
Journal of engineering design (Print) 28(10-12), 599-626
Burman, E., Elfverson, D., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Larsson, K. (2017). A cut finite element method for the Bernoulli free boundary value problem.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 598-618).
Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2017). The penalty-free Nitsche Method and nonconforming finite elements for the Signorini problem.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55(6), 2523-2539
Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Massing, A. (2017). A cut discontinuous Galerkin method for the Laplace–Beltrami operator.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37(1), 138-169
Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Stenberg, R. (2017). Galerkin least squares finite element method for the obstacle problem.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 362-374).
De Goey, H., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, L. (2017). Design-driven innovation: Making meaning for whom?.
The Design Journal 20(Suppl. 1), S479-S491
Hansbo, P., Jonsson, T., Larson, M., Larsson, K. (2017). A Nitsche method for elliptic problems on composite surfaces.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 505-525).
Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2017). A stabilized finite element method for the Darcy problem on surfaces.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37(3), 1274-1299
Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2017). Continuous/discontinuous finite element modelling of Kirchhoff plate structures in R3 using tangential differential calculus.
Computational Mechanics 60(4), 693-702
Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Massing, A. (2017). A stabilized cut finite element method for the Darcy problem on surfaces.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 298-318).
Johannesson, H., Landahl, J., Levandowski, C., Raudberget, D. (2017). Development of product platforms: Theory and methodology.
Concurrent Engineering - Research and Applications 25(3), 195-211
Johansson, J. (2017). Exploring design content in cad-models and knowledge bases using graph theory and filtering.
41(4), 5-15
Kasvayee, K., Ghassemali, E., Salomonsson, K., Sujakhu, S., Castagne, S., Jarfors, A. (2017). Strain localization and crack formation effects on stress-strain response of ductile iron.
Materials Science & Engineering (pp. 265-271).
Klarbring, A., Torstenfelt, B., Hansbo, P., Larson, M. (2017). Optimal design of fibre reinforced membrane structures.
Structural and multidisciplinary optimization (Print) 56(4), 781-789
Olofsson, J., Salomonsson, K., Johansson, J., Amouzgar, K. (2017). A methodology for microstructure-based structural optimization of cast and injection moulded parts using knowledge-based design automation.
Advances in Engineering Software (pp. 44-52).
Pabolu, V., Stolt, R., Johansson, J. (2017). Flexible manufacturability analysis applied to the welding process to increase sustainability in engineer to order businesses.
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 10(3/4), 271-294
Stolt, R., André, S., Elgh, F., Andersson, P. (2017). Introducing Welding Manufacturability in a Multidisciplinary Platform for the Evaluation of Conceptual Aircraft Engine components.
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 10(2), 107-123
Stolt, R., Elgh, F., Andersson, P. (2017). Design for Inspection: Evaluating the Inspectability of Aerospace Components in the Early Stages of Design.
Procedia Manufacturing (pp. 1193-1199).
Bertan, F., Ferreira, A., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Análise da Integração Interfuncional nos Pontos de Contato de Processos de Desenvolvimento de Sementes.
Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais 18(3),
Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Massing, A., Zahedi, S. (2016). Full gradient stabilized cut finite element methods for surface partial differential equations.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 278-296).
Burman, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Zahedi, S. (2016). Cut finite element methods for coupled bulk–surface problems.
Numerische Mathematik 133(2), 203-231
Burnett, S., Mendel, P., Nunes, F., Wiig, S., van den Bovenkamp, H., Karltun, A. ... Fulop, N. (2016). Using institutional theory to analyse hospital responses to external demands for finance and quality in five European countries.
Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 21(2), 109-117
Cenanovic, M., Hansbo, P., Larsson, M. (2016). Cut finite element modeling of linear membranes.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 98-111).
De Oliveira, E., Pimenta, M., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2016). Integration through cross-functional teams in a service company.
European Business Review 28(4), 405-430
Edh Mirzaei, N., Fredriksson, A., Winroth, M. (2016). Strategic consensus on manufacturing strategy content: Including the operators’ perceptions.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 36(4), 429-466
Engström, A. (2016). Arbetsmöten: Arenor för samspel och lärande.
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige 21(3-4), 283-305
Eriksson, D., Manfredsson, P., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Using the industry as a model for better learning experience in higher education.
International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE) 10(4), 325-338
Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Zahedi, S. (2016). A cut finite element method for coupled bulk-surface problems on time-dependent domains.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (pp. 96-116).
Hansbo, P., Larsson, F. (2016). The nonconforming linear strain tetrahedron for a large deformation elasticity problem.
Computational Mechanics 58(6), 929-935
Hansbo, P., Rashid, A., Salomonsson, K. (2016). Least-squares stabilized augmented Lagrangian multiplier method for elastic contact.
Finite elements in analysis and design (Print) (pp. 32-37).
Huang, D., Lee, T., Hilletofth, P., Kao, C. (2016). Creation of a step-by-step process in the pre-startup of a micro business.
International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 15(1), 43-60
Karltun, J., Vogel, K., Bergstrand, M., Eklund, J. (2016). Maintaining knife sharpness in industrial meat cutting: A matter of knife or meat cutter ability.
Applied Ergonomics (pp. 92-100).
Kasvayee, K., Salomonsson, K., Ghassemali, E., Jarfors, A. (2016). Microstructural strain distribution in ductile iron: Comparison between finite element simulation and digital image correlation measurements.
Materials Science & Engineering (pp. 27-35).
Lantz, B., Andersson, R., Manfredsson, P. (2016). Preliminary tests of normality when comparing three independent samples.
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 15(2), 135-148
Löfving, M. (2016). Homogeneity of manufacturing choices in subcontractor SMEs.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(2), 261-286
Löfving, M., Säfsten, K., Winroth, M. (2016). Manufacturing strategy formulation, leadership style and organisational culture in small and medium-sized enterprises.
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM) 30(5), 306-325
Melander, A., Löfving, M., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Thulin, M. (2016). Introducing the Hoshin Kanri strategic management system in manufacturing SMEs.
Management Decision 54(10), 2507-2523
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Infrastructure project portfolios for sourcing nearshoring of manufacturing to Russia.
Russian Journal of Logistics and Transport Management 3(1), 52-63
Panova, Y., Hilletofth, P. (2016). Роль интермодальных перевозок в национальной экономике: [The role of intermodal traffic in the national economy].
18(11), 28-36
Persson, M., Eklind, J., Winroth, M. (2016). Coordinating external manufacturing of product modules.
Decision Sciences 47(6), 1178-1202
Poorkiany, M., Johansson, J., Elgh, F. (2016). Capturing, structuring and accessing design rationale in integrated product design and manufacturing processes.
Advanced Engineering Informatics 30(3), 522-536
Rosen, B., Eriksson, L., Bergman, M. (2016). Kansei, surfaces and perception engineering.
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 4(3),
Soosay, C., Nunes, B., Bennett, D., Sohal, A., Jabar, J., Winroth, M. (2016). Strategies for sustaining manufacturing competitiveness: Comparative case studies in Australia and Sweden.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(1), 6-37
Winroth, M., Almström, P., Andersson, C. (2016). Sustainable production indicators at factory level.
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27(6), 842-873
Yedeg, E., Wadbro, E., Hansbo, P., Larson, M., Berggren, M. (2016). A Nitsche-type method for Helmholtz equation with an embedded acoustically permeable interface.
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