
YH-program med kursplaner

Marketing Management 7.5 hp


The course introduces the students to the key concepts and models associated with marketing and the marketing process within the organisation. The course not only presents the theoretical aspects of marketing but also its application in practice as it is used by diverse organisations. The course includes a discussion of marketing ethics as well as covering examples of themes in the contemporary marketing discourse. **Connection to Research and Practice** The course requires the student to carry out research into theoretical themes in marketing and apply them to the needs and actions of organizations. The course covers the renewal of markets and the changes that are evident in consumers and markets. The course includes conducting research with companies to understand the practical challenges of marketing.


General entry requirements and 30 credits in Business Administration or Economics or equivalent.

Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå

Kurskod/Ladokkod: MLBK13

Kursen ges vid: Internationella Handelshögskolan

Fakta aktuellt kurstillfälle

  • Typ av kursProgramkurstillfälle
  • StudieformNormal
  • Termin
    2026 Vecka 14 - Vecka 23
  • Studietakt100%
  • OrtJönköping
  • KurstidDagtid
  • StudieavgiftGäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz14375 sek
  • KursplanPDF
  • AnmälningskodJ5067
Sidan uppdaterad 2017-10-02