Ny publikation: När lärare ska leda lärare
Encells Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic har, tillsammans med Åsa Hirsch från Göteborgs universitet, tittat på vad som driver lärare till nästa steg i karriären.
"For principals and school facilitators, our study contributes with important knowledge, as it shows that aspects such as role definition and clarity, as well as the principal’s expressed support and firm guidance, are important in the initial phase but that another type of support seems to be needed in the progressing and consolidating stages", skriver Bergmo Prvulovic och Hirsch bland annat.
Artikeln Teachers leading teachers – understanding middle-leaders’ role and thoughts about career in the context of a changed division of labour publicerade nyligen online av tidskriften School Leadership & Management. Läs den här Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster..