Dela med dig av dina framgångsrika demokratiprojekt
På den europeiska plattformen EPALE skriver just nu personer från hela Europa om sina bästa tips för "citizenship education". Bidra senast i morgon!
"Have you come across or created an innovative methodology for teaching adults civic skills? Perhaps you have been involved in or heard of a successful project that aimed to improve adults’ civic engagement or awareness of their democratic rights? Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practice examples in the comments below between 20-24 May and help to inspire adult learning professionals across Europe.
Don't forget to include links to the resources, projects and project outcomes mentioned, and explain briefly why you consider this resource/project to be a good practice example.
All the stories shared here will be included in our monthly newsletter!"
Här hittar du tipsen och kan skriva in dina egna. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.