Jämlikhet och social rättvisa på högskolor och folkhögskolor

Ny publikation sätter fokus på situationen för funktionshindrade och nyanlända.

Bagga-Gupta, S., Messina Dahlberg, G., & Vigmo, S. (2020). Equity and social justice for whom and by whom in contemporary Swedish higher and adult education Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster., Learning and Teaching, 13(3), 82-110.

This article focuses on the Swedish context of upper and post-upper secondary education provided in two sectors, universities and the Swedish Folk High School. The article is centred on the analysis of the support services offered by fifty-five university and Swedish Folk High School institutional websites to individuals and groups designated as being ‘peripheral’. Taking as a point of departure a ‘practiced policies’ theoretical position, the study focuses on the ‘situated nature’ of institutional policies, that is, how policies become operationalised in local institutional contexts. Of interest is the nature of expectations placed on participants in the provision of support, and the ways in which different target groups are conceptualised and categorised. The findings of this national scale mapping, that build on two ongoing projects concerning equity and social justice, are discussed in terms of fundamental dimensions of democracy that shape students’ opportunities to access upper and post-upper secondary education.

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Månadsbrev: Social rättvisa Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
