Två äldre personer går hand i hand, med ryggsäckar.

Konferens om äldres lärande

Två forskarnätverk under ESREAs paraply träffas i Tallinn i november, under rubriken Educating and learning across the lifespan – adult educators and older learners perspectives.

8-10 november hålls en konferens vid Tallinns universitet med fokus på äldres lärande Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. Det är första gången ESREA-nätverken Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA) och Research Network for Adult Educators, Trainers and their Professionalisation (ReNAdET) kombinerar sina konferenser.

The fact of integration of two academic streams provides an evident focus for the conference. Dialogical learning and teaching, collaborative dialogues, dialogical relationships between adult educators and learners are the main principles and values in different professional contexts of adult education (Bound et al. 2019). Scholars of educational gerontology just recently reactivated the discussion about the teacher’s role in older adults learning (see Percy, 1990; Battersby & Glendenning 1990; Formosa 2011; Hachem 2023). The last years have been years of different crises which at the same time reduced but also extended the possibilities for life-course and lifespan learning. Learning across the lifespan is not a new concept, but it needs more and more attention in different contexts of adult education.

The main theme of the conference is ”Educating and learning across the lifespan – adult educators and older learners perspectives. Theory, research, practice, and policy”. This first joint conference aims to explore, reflect and discuss current issues and questions, perspectives, and possibilities related to the conference theme in relation to research, policy, and professional practice. In line with the principles of networking, we are inviting researchers, Ph.D. and postdoc students, experts, and practitioners from the field of adult education and training to discuss different topics of the main theme in an interactive and dialogical format.

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