ISEI lockade CHILD-forskare till Australien
I somras var det åter dags för konferensen The International Society of Early Intervention, där forskare inom tidig intervention möts för att diskutera och jämföra forskningsresultat. I år var det en stor grupp CHILD-forskare som deltog. Här berättar Madeleine Sjöman om dagarna.
Conference dinner at ISEI
In June 25-28, 2019, it was time for the conference, The International Society on Early Intervention (ISEI), which was held in Sydney, Australia. The conference was organized in conjunction with Early Childhood Intervention Australia, the major professional body of this field in Australia. The theme for the conference this year was “Research to Practice in Early Intervention: An International Perspective”. Several CHILD-members went there such as Mats Granlund, Eva Björck, Lena Almqvist, Madeleine Sjöman, Frida Åström and Andrea Ritosa, in order to present their research.
The audience showed an interest in our research about special support provided in Swedish preschools. Many opportunities were given to listen to different topics related to "from research to practice" in early intervention, such as teaching strategies to support children in need of additional support, examples of international research collaboration, family support, the consideration about early screening of children at risk for impairment such as autism.
Sightseeing in Sydney; the Opera.
In the evening there was a banquet with good food and music entertainment. There was also time for touring to Sydney Opera House. Some of us went by boat where we could watch the Opera House from the water (see picture).
These days in Sydney gave us many new ideas around research. For instance, the design of interventions with new techniques with the aim to improve engagement for children in need of special support in natural contexts such as schools or home settings.
Thank's to Carol Kemp, Denise Luscombe, and Michel Guralnick, the Chair and Program Committee and all Staff, who created excellent and inspiring days at the International Convention Centre Sydney, Australia.
We are looking forward to the next ISEI conference 2021, which will be held in the USA.
For more information about ISEI, contact Madeleine Sjöman