Inclusive research with Children, Adults and Professionals, SIDR Summer school 2020

CHILD is associated with the Swedish Institute for Disability Research (SIDR), a leading European program in disability research cooperating between the universities of Jönköping, Linköping, and Örebro. Every year they hold a summer school for researchers/doctoral students and 2020 the focus is on Inclusive research with Children, Adults and Professionals.
The course will be addressing the theories, concepts and definitions of co-production and inclusive research. It will, among other things, give tools to implement co-production and inclusive research. Discuss the mechanisms to facilitate, and ethical considerations related to, co-production and inclusive research.
The course is web-based but it also includes three physical meeting days. The first meeting is in Vadstena, 1st and 2nd September, and the second meeting is in Linköping, 1st October.
Prerequisites for entering the course is 240 credits of which 60 credits should be on advanced level, including thesis of 15 credits (or equivalent).
The teaching will be conducted in English.
"The course will give the opportunity to learn and discuss the benefits and challenges with using co-production and inclusive research in research projects", says Karina Huus, who is one of the responsible for this year's course.
For more information see the Invitation Pdf, 133.1 kB. and the Course syllabus
Pdf, 115.2 kB..
The application is to be e-mailed to Karina Huus latest by May 31!