Var är forskningsfronten kring insatser för barns delaktighet?
Under hösten hölls en viktig internationell konferens om delaktighet för alla, CAPA - Capturing participation for all. Det var första gången på flera år som forskare kunde mötas och stämma av sin forskning mot varandra. Flera CHILD-medlemmar deltog med presentationer och posters. Här berättar CHILD:s forskningsledare professor Mats Granlund om konferensen.

PhD-student Frida Åström shares her results

PhD-student Emelie Petersson by her research poster

The conference was held in beautiful surroundings
"In the middle of September in the Norwegian mountains at Beitostölen the third participation research conference CAPA was held. CAPA means CApturing Participation for All and that was indeed what we worked with, both indoors and outdoors in a crispy fall colored environment.
Several CHILD researchers attended with key note presentations, oral short presentations and posters. The theme of the conference was Participation interventions – where are we and where are we going?
This theme was discussed for three days with key note presentations and oral presentations in the morning sessions followed by group discussions in the afternoon. Participation research has now left the stage of infancy and questions about what effects intervention have and the implications following from how interventions are performed were discussed. Concerning outcomes of intervention the change in direction of research from short term outcomes focusing on increased participation in specific activities to supporting people in becoming individuals that can self-select and adapt the environment to facilitate participation was discussed. This also lead to discussions about the process of participation intervention. How can participation intervention planning involve the children and adolescents in a manner that foster independence in “fixing" their own participation? It requires that we support the children and youth in being actively involved in defining the participation problems, explaining the problems, set goals for intervention, plan intervention methods and evaluate interventions."
Professor Mats Granlund, Research leader of CHILD