Ny gästforskare

Nu har CHILD:s gästforskare Susana Castro från Porto University i Portugal anlänt. Susana Castros forskning rör barn i förskolan i behov av särskilt stöd och hon kommer att samverka med forskare inom CHILD kring ett projekt om språkmiljön i förskolan. Susana Castro stannar i tre månader och vistelsen stöds av det portugisiska forskningsrådet.

Susana Castro från Porto University gästforskar i Jönköping under våren 2012.

Hello all,

My name is Susana Castro and I am currently finishing my doctoral studies at the University of Porto, Portugal. I have a degree in psychology and my thesis concerns the use of the ICF-CY in the context of early intervention and special education, focusing particularly on young children with autism spectrum disorders. Jönköping University has been collaborating closely with the University of Porto: we have joint projects in the area of early childhood intervention that have provided a very positive exchange and a source of learning for all researchers involved in this interchange. I find it particularly interesting to have the opportunity to recognize differences between countries in relation to the early education and how these differences are reflected in different societies. I believe that education is what best defines a society and so is the best way to promote a better life. During my research internship at Jönköping (until the end of June), I will be collaborating on various projects of the CHILD group, namely by analyzing data from a longitudinal study of literacy environments and contributing to a systematic review of the scientific literature on child disabilities, while I finish my thesis. I hope I can share my work with everyone and have your valuable feedback, and I am more than happy to contribute to your research. Thank you for receiving me in such a good research environment, I'm sure this will be a very positive experience!

Susana Castro
