CHILD-forskare prisad i England

Roland S. Persson har blivit upptagen i "Fellow of The College of Teachers", en lärd sammanslutning grundad i England 1849 av Drottning Victoria. Vi i CHILD säger grattis, Roland!

CHILD-forskaren Roland S. Persson från Högskolan för Lärande och kommunikation i Jönköping, kan nu lägga till titeln "FCollT" efter sitt namn. Detta efter att ha blivit upptagen i "Fellow of The College of Teachers" och ha mottagit ett glänsande diplom. Den lärda sammanslutningen grundades av Drottning Victoria 1849 och med vidare välsignelser av Drottning Elizabeth 1998.

Så här skriver Wikipedia inledande om The College of Teachers:
The College of Teachers is an examining body and learned society of teachers, professors and associated professionals who work in education in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

The college was originally founded as the Society of Teachers in 1846 and incorporated by royal charter as The College of Preceptors in 1849. It changed its name to The College of Teachers in 1998.

The college initially awarded qualifications for secondary school teachers and pupils. Today the college provides qualifications for teachers or trainers and professionals working in education including teaching assistants, governors and anyone else who is operating in a support capacity to teachers or trainers.[1] It is a registered charity under the Charity Commission.

The college published The Educational Times from 1847 to 1923. Today, the college publishes the quarterly academic journal Education Today.

The college is currently based within the Institute of Education of the University of London."

Vi i CHILD säger grattis till Roland S. Persson och hoppas att snart få beskåda det glänsande diplomet!
