Öppen föreläsning inom autismspektrum

Den 17 maj presenteras framgångsrika australiensiska perspektiv på samverkan och samarbete med unga och vuxna som befinner sig inom autismspektrum. Den australiensiska professorn i arbetsterapi, Sonya Girdler, besöker tillsammans med forskaren Marita Falkmer, Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping. Alla är välkomna!

Föreläsningen "Co-production, strengths based work and peer mentoring - Australian experiences of collaborating with persons with autism" ges på Hälsohögskolan den 17 maj kl. 10:00-11:30 i sal GA527. Alla är välkomna!

Notera att föreläsningen är på engelska.

Professor Sonya Girdler, Curtin University (Perth), Australien

Sonya Girdler is a Professor of Occupational Therapy and Director of the Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG) https://carg.curtin.edu.au/ – which has over 100 members including clinicians, academics, lay-persons, doctoral students, and people living with Autism. Members come from various backgrounds including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Speech Pathology and Engineering. CARG undertakes research in many areas including early intervention, transition from school, employment and social skills training. Sonya and Dr Marita Falkmer will talk about CARG’s research in co-producing research with people with autism, strengths based approaches in autism and peer mentoring for university students with autism.

Postdoktor Marita Falkmer, Curtin University (Perth), Australien, med affiliering till Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, JU.

Marita Falkmer works as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Collaborative research Centre in Autism) placed at Curtin University, Perth, WA. Marita is also an active member of the Curtin Autism research Group (CARG). In her role as a research fellow she has had the privilege to be involved in projects within the Autism CRC that aim to improve opportunities for people on the autism spectrum to participate in higher education and employment. As researchers they aim to collaborate with the autism community in their projects. Before coming to Australia Marita worked for many years with children and adolescents on the autism spectrum in educational settings in Sweden, and did her PhD training in Jönköping. Marita is also an associate researcher in CHILD, and affiliated to the School of Education and Communication at JU.
