The EduComics project explores the use of comic art as a tool for fostering social justice in education and civil society. Recognizing the gap between a visually oriented society and predominantly text-based learning, the project investigates how comics can enhance visual literacy and promote democratic engagement.

Podcast Live Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. Radu Dinu, Assistant Professor of History, on the project (form November 2024).

It is structured around two main foci areas:

  1. Comics in Education – Examining their didactic potential in upper secondary school subjects like Swedish, history, and civics. This includes studying how comics engage students in social justice issues and democracy, as well as developing teaching tools to enhance student literacies.

  2. Artivism and Social Justice – Investigating how comics depict marginalized histories, particularly those of disabled people and indigenous communities. This includes research on how comics challenge dominant narratives, promote activism, and empower communities. By adopting an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach, EduComics integrates research, artistic practice, and education.

The project aims to bridge educational gaps, democratize knowledge production, and provide new avenues for critical engagement with social justice through visual storytelling.

Project duration

Project leader
Radu Harald Dinu

Researchers in the project
Johanna Bergström, Ylva Lindberg, Stina-Karin Skillermark, Joakim Öberg

Publications within the project
Dinu, Radu Harald, Ylva Lindberg, and Małgorzata Olsza. "Comics, Disability, and Memory: Reclaiming Marginalized Histories from Central and Eastern Europe." European Comic Art 2025 (under peer review).