Science Park Jönköping

Jönköping University is strongly engaged in the development of Science Park Jönköping which provides support for the start-up, development and growth of business ventures. Science Park Jönköping supports enterprises in their development and in finding financing.
Science Park Jönköping
In 2016, 17 enterprises took part in the new programme Science Park Accelerator.
Jönköping University encourages students and staff at the university to start new businesses, and is therefore supporting the activities at Science Park financially, which means you can access the resources for starting and developing a new enterprise free of charge. About 300 ideas from students and researchers were handled in 2016.
Situated close to campus, Science Park is a meeting place for business representatives and new ventures. Here they can find common ground for development and collaboration and take advantage of the close connection to the university.
In 2012 Science Park celebrated 10 years. Today there are some 100 businesses, new and well established, in the park. Since the start in 2002, Science Park has met about 2,800 business ideas and contributed to the launch of almost 1 000 companies.
Welcome to Science Park!