Content updated 2019-06-25


Here you will find frequently asked questions while being on exchange and what the answer is. If your question is not answered here, please contact us through the button to the right.

Do I have to do a presentation about JU while on exchange?

It is compulsory for all outbound exchange students to make a presentation at the partner university. It could be different marketing activities such as, a fair, presentation in a class room, or writing an article for a newsletter.

Upon arrival to the partner university, check on how this can be organized. And also remember, you are an ambassador for Jönköping University and School of Education and Communication, both at the university and on your leisure time.

Is it possible to change courses after getting them approved?

Yes, these must be approved by your program manager/accreditor.

What do I do if something happens to me? For instance an accident.

In case of an emergency be sure to contact the emergency services in the country in which you are studying. You can also contact:

In case of an emergency we would like you to contact the International Office so that we have an overview of the situation. This improves our chances of giving you the help you need.

You should also contact the international relations office at your exchange university.