Advanced Geographical Economics, 7.5 credits
Advanced Geographical Economics, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2016
Course Code:JAGR24
Confirmed by:Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Jan 4, 2013
Revised by:Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Jan 4, 2014
Valid From:Jul 1, 2014
Reg number:IHH 2014/4117-122
Education Cycle:Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain:Social sciences (75%) and natural sciences (25%)
Subject group:NA1
Specialised in:A1N
Main field of study:Economics

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

On completion of the course the students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • describe the advanced concepts of location of activities, in combination with location and trade.
  • analyse city-system development, urban region formation, and the implication of such changes for trade.
  • distinguish between local market and distant markets inference on regional development.

Skills and abilities

  • analyse economic convergence or divergence of regions using data and quantitative methods.
  • formulate and solve models of geographical economics.

Judgement and approach

  • understand the implications of the models in terms of economic policy decisions.


The objective of the course is to give students knowledge about location aspects of innovation and trade, on the basis of various forms of scale economies as well as proximity and network externalities. The course will provide the student with a capacity to critically analyse economic problems relating to location, specialisation and trade for regions of different types. It will establish a competence in penetrating the reasons for how regions specialise and how they develop in a perspective of a global economy.
Important elements of the course are the following:
  • Static and dynamic comparative advantages, location advantages and spatial externalities.
  • Clusters and Regional Systems of Innovation.
  • Different types of equilibria and path dependence.
  • Finding equilibria of non-linear models by numerical simulation.
  • Stability conditions of spatial equilibria.

Type of instruction

Lectures and seminars. The course entails writing of an assignment (individual work) as an obligatory part.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Bachelor’s degree in Economics (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

The student is examined on all specified skills and abilities, the grade is a compound measure on student performances.
There is one final written examination along with preliminary assignments during the course. A summation of the grade on the assignments during the course (maximum 40 points) and the
grade on the final examination (maximum 60 points) leads to an overall examination grade (100% of credit).
The ILOs within Skills and abilities, Judgment and approach will be examed through the written assignment.
The ILOs within Knowledge and understanding, Skills and abilities, Judgment and approach will be examed through the Written Exam.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Examination17.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
1 Determines the final grade of the course, which is issued only when all course units have been passed.

Course evaluation

At the outset of the course the course manager ensures that course evaluators are elected (or exist) among the students. The course evaluation is carried out continuously as well as at the end of the course. On the completion of the course the course evaluators and course manager discuss the course evaluation and possible improvements. The result is reported to, among others, the Associate Dean for Education, the Council for Undergraduate and Master Education, and the Board of Directors of JIBS. The course manager shall at the outset of the following course report results and measures taken in the previous course evaluation.

Other information

It is not possible to take this course simultaneously with the first cycle course Innovation, Trade and Location.

Course literature


The listed literature will be combined with lecture notes. Lecture notes will be available electronically. Also several articles, which will be announced when the course starts, will be used for the assignments.

Recommended literature
  • Pierre-Philippe Combes, Thierry Mayer & Jacques-François Thisse, “Economic Geography: The Integration of Regions and Nations” (latest edition). Princeton University Press.