Accommodation and Pick-up Service
JU accommodation is available to those who wish to utilse it. You will receive information about JU accommodation after you have been admitted to the Summer School.
The University does not have on-campus accommodation, however off-campus housing is offered, with close access to the public transportation system.
Summer School accommodation consists of a single furnished room, with shared bathroom and kitchen facitilies and a common social area. Communal laundry facilities are included.
The accommodation cost is likely to be between 4000 - 4800 SEK approx. per month.
Students will be informed if accommodation locations / costs are to change
Pick-up Service
We offer a local pick-up service to those students who choose to stay in JU accommodation during their time at JU Summer School. The pick-up service date will be confirmed. Staff will provide you with your keys and transport you to your accommodation.