Computer Programming for Design Automation, 6 credits
Programmering för automatiserad konstruktion, 6 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2018
Course Code:TPAR27
Confirmed by:Dean Mar 1, 2016
Valid From:Jan 1, 2017
Reg number:JTH 2016/609-313
Education Cycle:Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain:Technology (95%) and social sciences (5%)
Subject group:MT1
Specialised in:A1N
Main field of study:Product Development

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After completing the course, the student shall

Knowledge and understanding

- displaying knowledge of concepts and methods used when automating engineering design

Skills and abilities

- demonstrating ability to writing computer programs to automate simple engineering task
- demonstrating ability to connect software through API-programming
- demonstrating ability to develop simple databases and to use SQL-commands.


Design engineers handle big amount of digital information about the products they are developing. The information is stored in a variety of formats and is processed using a number of applications (such as Excel, MathCAD, Access, CATIA, and SolidWorks). Some of the work engineers have to do to handle the information can be automated cutting time-to-market and increasing product quality. This course aims to give the students basic knowledge and skills to automate engineering design activities through computer programming.

The course includes the following topics
Automated engineering design
- Knowledge representation
- Inference mechanisms
- Example systems
Computer programming
- Basic programming commands
- Functions
- Object oriented programming
- Graphical programming
- Event handling
- API-programming
- Databases and SQL.

Type of instruction

Lectures and exercises.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Passed courses 180 credits in first cycle, at least 90 credits within the major subject Mechanical Engineering or Computer Engineering, and 21 credits Mathematics, and English Language requirements corresponding to English 6 or English B in the Swedish upper secondary school (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded 5,4,3 or Fail.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Examination13 credits5/4/3/U
Assigments3 creditsU/G
1 Determines the final grade of the course, which is issued only when all course units have been passed.

Other information

Exemption from entry requirement allowed according to the selection groups of the program, where the course is included.

Course literature


The literature is preliminary until one month before the course starts.
Electronic literature distributed through PingPong.