“The focus on teamwork reflects how it works in real life.”

I knew from China that the engineering school had a good reputation. Now I see why. Teamwork is really valued, whereas in the US – where I
did a couple of years as an undergrad – you do everything by yourself.

Here you learn to work with people. You have to take responsibility, be active and contribute, negotiate and discuss, organize meetings, etc – just like in real life. It improves your study skills as well as your social abilities. A real advantage for
your future career!

Moreover, most of your teammates are from other countries, so you learn their cultures as well.

I was in engineering in the US, but transferred here because I was interested in business also. In Sustainable Supply Chain Management I get the best of two worlds. Luckily, when I applied, it was the first year it was taught in English.

During the 2nd year we do an industrial placement, where you put knowledge into practice. The school invites guest lecturers so you can see what field you prefer. I was assistant to the manager at a retail store. It gave me a chance to go through all the retailing procedures: purchasing, marketing, etc. I learned a lot from those 10 weeks.

There are lots of groups and activities you can join. People know how to enjoy life and speak really good English. They like to chat with you and exchange experiences. I’ve worked with social media groups, been to music festivals, and to Dreamhack, the world’s largest digital festival. Fascinating!

Eventually, I’d like to start my own business as an entrepreneur. Perhaps in Sweden, because I like the pace of life here.

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