Meet Ana Zamora from Spain

I have always wanted to study my master abroad. I was particularly looking for an international atmosphere where I could learn not only from the professors, but also from my fellow students and the people around me. Besides, I knew that Sweden was well-known for its high standard and advanced education, which attracted me.

Ana Zamora, former student in International Communication

What impressed me the most about Jönköping University was the multicultural and international atmosphere. I had the possibility to share lessons and seminars with people from all over the world, and it gave me a totally different perspective of every topic.

Some months after arriving I joined as volunteer at ESN, a student association which main purpose is helping exchange students to feel at home while they study abroad. Having the possibility to organize events, go on trips and work together with people that are passionate about helping others. I can say without a doubt that it was one of the best things I have done. I truly recommend everyone who loves being social to join!

Before studying International Communication, I was used to a totally different way of learning – focused more on exams than applying the knowledge. In this programme I had different learning challenges that were completely new for me, such as the first approach to research while writing my master thesis. Learning how to always take a critical stance or how to be more analytical were the main outcomes that I can apply to every aspect of my career.

After finishing my master, I moved back to Spain, where I currently live. I found a job in Madrid working in the multinational telecommunications company Telefónica, where I support the Big Data area with digital marketing and communication activities.

Ana Zamora
Former Student, International Communication
Global Marketing & Communications Specialist, Spain

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