The programme gave me global perspectives and in-depth knowledge of sustainable business.

Sustainable Enterprise Development combines business perspectives with sustainability in a way that really appeals to me. The international environment and close relationship with teachers made my studies even more enriching and will benefit me in my future career.

I searched online for sustainability-related programs in Europe, focusing on finding one that was both sustainability- and business-oriented. As I searched, I noticed that there weren't that many options to choose from that gave me both the sustainability and business parts combined. Then I found the Sustainable Enterprise Development program at JIBS, which seemed like a perfect match for me and what I am interested in.

The international environment at both JU and JIBS was one thing that stood out for me. As a non-Swedish speaking student, having classmates, teachers and guest speakers from all over the world gave me diverse perspectives and made me feel that even though we were studying in Jönköping, you gain global knowledge through the fantastic mix of people at the university.

I didn’t only appreciate my choice of program, but also the opportunity to study abroad or do an internship. It’s great that all the courses are very practical, which gives you more flexibility as a student. All of this makes me feel that this experience will benefit my career, as a Master's student and in my future profession.

As a former student in Germany, I find the close relationship between teachers and students at JIBS outstanding. My earlier experience of the relationship between students and professors back home was one of great distance. Here you almost become friends with your teacher.

During my studies, I was part of the board and also president of the Student for Sustainable Actions (SSA) committee at JIBS. Together we made wonderful memories. It was great to have students from all over the world with different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences come together and be passionate about working towards a more sustainable environment at JU. I appreciated this space where you could help shape the environment around you together with like-minded.

Carlotta Schäfer

Former student Sustainable Enterprise Development

Master's student at  Stockholm Resilience Centre

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