Meet Saqib from Pakistan

Ending up in Sweden and at the School of Engineering was in fact pretty much a coincidence for me. I was planning to start my master's, so I visited an admissions fair and happened to meet a Jönköping University representative. He showed me the course programme and I found the Software Product Engineering programme really interesting, so I applied.

The course content really fitted my future plans which was my main reason for applying. I was also attracted by the multicultural approach of the school, with people coming from all over the world.

I have had a fantastic time as a student here. I feel like everyone here is doing their best, which makes it a competitive environment. The curriculum is good and the professors are very helpful, but what also strikes me as really positive and different here is the openness and creativity which they offer. I also really appreciate that focus is always on the practical approach. Everything we do has a practical aspect. It helps you prepare to be a good professional. Being here I have also learnt a lot of other things. I’m living away from home for the first time, learning to look after myself as well as dealing with other people. I live with students from all over the world, getting to meet a good mix of people, which I really enjoy.

My advice to others would be, first of all to find a programme that fits your plan and then I would definitely recommend Sweden. It is a good place, with a great ability to absorb people from other cultures. Sweden has a high tolerance level and a strong sense of equality. I have found people very accommodating here, which makes you feel less like an "alien".

Student, Software Product Engineering
School of Engineering

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