“JU is an open gate for entrepreneurs.”

I wanted to do my master’s in International Marketing and came across Jönköping University by pure luck. When I read the curriculum, it was exactly what I wanted to study.

I decided to come here because I have a passion toward a healthy lifestyle, and Sweden ranks high in terms of sustainability. Besides, 99 percent of the people speak English.

Before I came here, I had an idea of launching my own business: an online platform for healthy products called Green Passion, which I’ve developed further during my studies.
In a pitching contest organised by Jönköping International Business School, Entrepreneurship Challenge, I competed with my idea and made it to the last round.

In a course called Applied International Marketing, five students from five countries were assigned to a company to solve a certain problem. We did extensive market research, and presented the results to jury representatives from the company and the university. Me and my team placed 3rd.

Student competitions like those are so much fun. The fact is that Jönköping University is an open gate for entrepreneurs. Also, the professors are of high quality and knowledgeable experts in their fields.

Jönköping is a small city where it’s easy to get to know people. You get to connect with people from all over the world. You can’t find this kind of diversity anywhere. I’ve made trips with other international students to Finland, Norway and Denmark, amazing experiences!

Now that I’m done with my thesis, I’m in the process of launching my business selling healthy products online to mindful consumers, starting with Sweden.

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