Meet Veronica from Italy

I founded WE Factory in 2014, initially as a one-woman business, but now the company includes a network of talented collaborators. We design, organize and create food processes, services and experiences to improve people’s life at work, school and during their free time.

My clients are universities, cultural hubs, small and big food businesses, music and food festivals, conferences and educational institutions. For instance, we have been part of the team organizing the food programme for festival goers at Roskilde Festival in Denmark, and we have designed a dining experience to facilitate interactions at the conference MELT FOORUM 2016 in Estonia.

With a Bachelor of Art in Economics and Management of Art from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in my home country Italy, attending Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) for my master studies gave me a strong fundamental business foundation. JIBS provided me with irreplaceable managerial and economic know-how, which I use daily when managing my business and consulting other entrepreneurs and businesses.

Before I started my company, I did extensive research and met plenty of food entrepreneurs, activists and producers in the Nordic countries, but I still hadn’t seen much of what interested me the most; which is creating food services and experiences with a social implication.

Hence I specialized in offering something unique, combining who I am and my unusual background in design management and economics with food, which is a strong passion of mine. Ultimately my mission is to make the world a better and more human place.

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