I’m 36 years old and have lived in Sweden for the past seven years. Before that I was a primary school teacher in Romania.

I didn’t want to do my teaching degree all over again in Sweden and felt I was up for something new and international. And it’s fantastic! The academic standards at JIBS are high and there are so many practical elements in my courses that I really enjoy. Statistics is really intriguing, it lets you see reality through numbers. I hope to work with statistics when I’ve finished my degree, if I don’t go on to do research. That would be fun too!
JIBS provides a very inspiring environment, where everyone is really set on their studies. If you walk in to the university library, you see all these people sitting there, reading, and you think "I have to study too". You get spurred on by the spirit here. I really like that.
I don’t participate in the student life outside of classes that much, since I’m a mature student and have a family and a job on the side. But I go out with my classmates sometimes, and I never feel that my age is an issue with them. We are all alike and we help each other.
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