"The program’s unique combination of sustainability, innovation, and practical learning made it the ideal choice for furthering my academic and professional aspirations," says the student Nivedhitha Pandi Kadavil about the master programme Sustainable Building Information Management at JTH.
Nivedhitha, who comes from India, chose JTH for pursuing her second master's degree because of her engineering background, having earned a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering and a Master’s in Structural Engineering from India.
"I was searching for a programme that specialized in BIM (Building Information Modelling) when I discovered JTH's Sustainable Building Information Management programme, which instantly captured my interest. It perfectly complemented my previous studies while emphasizing sustainability—an area I am particularly passionate about. The programme’s unique combination of sustainability, innovation, and practical learning made it the ideal choice for furthering my academic and professional aspirations," Nivedhitha says.
After a year of studying, she truly appreciate the teaching approach at JTH, which combines both theoretical and practical elements. She thinks one of the most rewarding aspects has been learning from highly experienced professors, many of whom are actively involved in the industry.
"Their real-world insights and expertise make learning more practical by connecting classroom knowledge with real industry experiences, showing how theory applies in real situations," Nivedhitha says.
She emphasises that JTH maintains an excellent connection with the business community and provides excellent support in securing internships. She says that many of her classmates are currently interning with companies referred by JTH, and these internships often lead to job offers, offering both valuable experience and strong employment prospects.
Nivedhitha find the atmosphere at JTH is both welcoming and supportive. She thinks the campus features excellent facilities including advanced computer labs, a well-equipped library, a dedicated service center, an innovative science park, and a lively cafeteria, all of which greatly benefit student life. Moreover, the friendly and approachable professors and staff contribute positively to the overall experience.
"Furthermore, the diverse student communities provide valuable support and enrich the student experience at Jönköping University", Nivedhitha says.
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